> Jens Stolze wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > with LyX 1.1.3pre1 I can see a behavior of LyX I never saw
> > before...;-(). It crashes every time I want to load a older file. You
> > can see this in the attachement.
> >
> > Any hints?
Before "crashing" it says "Tabular format < 5 is not supported anymore
Get an older version of LyX (<1.1.x) for conversion".
This sound like somebody decided to get rid of some old code that used
to read in tables...
Apart from the hint given by LyX itself you could open the .lyx file in
a text editor of your choice and replace all occurences of "muliticol4"
by "multicol5". At least on my machine LyX loads the file correctly
after this change.
Andre' Poenitz ...................... [EMAIL PROTECTED]