On 2016-12-05 17:04, Liam Proven wrote:
On 5 December 2016 at 16:57,  <scrooya...@riseup.net> wrote:
No hard feelings, you may thank me in a couple of years once you realise my

Your extended answer does not in fact respond to my point in any way.
It's just a paranoid rant about privacy.

i beg to differ and would say that your rant is bigger them mine. Happy? Yours is bigger!

you win!

I loose, but with lots of dignity.

Furthermore, try not to be so patronising. I think it is very likely

ok if you try not to be hypocritical.

that I have been on the Internet for considerably longer than you, and
from your previous posts, I think it is very likely that I know a
great deal more about it than you. In fact, I have given you advice
and assistance on this list before. Being told that I do not
understand is no way to repay that.

maybe i'm the older chap who still remembers the noise of 9600baud
but does it matter? Does it improve peoples privacy?

But i hope you have more years left on this planet then me.

If you read my sig, you will see a CIX.co.uk email address. If you
knew your way around the Internet well, you'd know that that was a
service from the mid-1980s; it was one of the very early online
systems to allow Internet access. That email address is 25 years and
one month old.

It isn't my first. I first got online in 1985.

ok you win, again i guess

So don't try to instruct me about how to use the web, the Net or the
issues or concerns about it.

If you are so paranoid that you don't want to visit Google even once,
well, go learn how to edit the browser's config file and change the
homepage before it is first launched. It's doable but not trivial. Or
remove it and replace it with a browser whose security you prefer, or
use a privacy-focused distro.

why not try to have more privacy in ubuntu then?
for everyone.

But do not try to force everyone else to use an inferior search engine
because it bothers you. Like your paranoia, that is irrational.

sure is, you win again.
I just tried to point at a privacy bug. That you don't see it is not that important. But i hope someone else will see it then.

Nothing personal.

But when it comes to privacy then I don't let anyone push me over.

You seemingly care less about privacy then me.

Though you probably do wear clothes, do have curtains and lock your doors. Why stay naked for google Liam?

I'm sure you ain't a bad guy. we just have our differences. But i really wonder how you can not see what google is doing? As you say that you are online since 1985 then you should be the one telling me what i try to tell you.

Or does google... pay you? I guess not. but i really wonder why you fight for the corporation that stole your clothes so to speak.

Liam Proven • Profile: https://about.me/liamproven
Email: lpro...@cix.co.uk • Google Mail/Talk/Plus: lpro...@gmail.com
Twitter/Facebook/Flickr: lproven • Skype/LinkedIn/AIM/Yahoo: liamproven
UK: +44 7939-087884 • ČR/WhatsApp/Telegram/Signal: +420 702 829 053

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