the debian_wheezy_mipsel_basesys.tar.gz was buit from debootstrap.
I suggest you build one yourself.

于 2013年10月21日 11:07, h0ost 写道:
> On 10/20/2013 09:12 PM, zhongjj wrote:
>> I have one on hand ,
>> do you know any pmon command ? like load
>> lsdev
>> load (wd0,0)/PATH_TO_KERNEL
>> boot
> Thanks for your help.  I'm learning PMON now.
> I've untarred your image and when I attempt to load it in PMON via:
> load (wd0,5)/wheezy/boot/vmlinuz  (# my "/" is located on /dev/sda5
> partition).
> I get: "Exception Cause=TLB miss on load or ifetch, ..."
> The same happens when I attempt to load the pre-installed kernel:
> load (wd0,5)/boot/vmlinuz
> I'm sure I'm missing something very basic.
> Again thanks for your help.
>> If you don't have any initramfs, you could download from
>> just donwload boot.cfg and vmlinuz to a usb flash, there's an initramfs
>> built in the kernel for recovery tool, if you boot from
>> this kernel, just forget the green "recovery tool" , but switch into a
>> new terminal (ctrl+alt+Fx)
>> I did not support a boot.cfg for booting. you could write it yourself
>> for PMON. (put it on the first partition, or boot dir under the first
>> partition).
>> boot.cfg example below:
>> timeout 3
>> default 0
>> showmenu 1
>> title wheezy
>>     kernel (wd0,0)/boot/vmlinuz
>>     args console=tty root=/dev/sda1
>> 于 2013年10月21日 01:45, h0ost 写道:
>>> On 10/20/2013 12:50 AM, 钟佳佳 wrote:
>>>> While booting there would be a dragon logo, precess 'u', select the
>>>> recovery title if you want to
>>>> use an initramfs in ram, then you could partition the disk, and
>>>> install the os-img you get
>>>> from (wheezy).
>>> Thank you very much for your help.
>>> One quick question: Is there a debian wheezy image that already includes
>>> the loongson-3a kernel that was linked in one of the messages?
>>> If not, I am thinking of installing that particular kernel on my laptop
>>> now, then update the repositories in /etc/apt/sources... to point to
>>> offical debian wheezy, then apt-get dist-upgrade.
>>> Would that work?
>>>> ------------------ Original ------------------
>>>> From:  "h0ost";<>;
>>>> Date:  Sun, Oct 20, 2013 06:51 AM
>>>> To:  "loongson-dev"<>;
>>>> Subject:  [loongson-dev] new Loongson-3A laptop, basic questions
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I just received my Loongson-3A laptop.  I would like to install an
>>>> alternative OS.  Preferably, Debian Wheeyz, Parabola, anything really.
>>>> I can't find any instructions in English on how to install such OS, or
>>>> where to get OS images.  I realize this is probably because the laptop
>>>> is new.
>>>> If someone can help me figure this out, I will be most thankful. I am
>>>> comfortable GNU/Linux user, and can probably figure out most problems,
>>>> but I need help with the basics.
>>>> Thank you,
>>>> Tonny

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