>>>>> "Roman" == Roman Mamedov <r...@romanrm.ru> writes:

> On Thu, 26 Jan 2012 01:15:38 +0100
> David Kuehling <dvdkh...@gmx.de> wrote:

>> Hi,
>> my FL6004's fan is getting louder and louder, guess it wasn't
>> designed to run 24/7.  Anybody knows a good part to replace it?  Or
>> is it safe to just remove/unplug it?

> What makes work towards attaining this a bit difficult is the lack of
> a temperature sensor in the Fuloong.

I usually use the temperature sensor of the hard-disk:

 smartctl --all /dev/sda|grep -i temp

Package 'hddtemp' can do the same, I guess.

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