>>>>> "Roman" == Roman Mamedov <r...@romanrm.ru> writes:

> On Thu, 26 Jan 2012 10:21:18 +0100
> Lluís Batlle i Rossell <vi...@viric.name> wrote:

>> Yes, I noticed that web page, but "450g eCu" frightened me a bit. :)
>> I can't imagine what is that.
>> If fanless, perfect, of course. But changing a 'fan' looks like much
>> less effort at least. Do you have any ideas in more detail, to
>> achieve a fanless fuloong?

> I believe it could be possible to run fanless with the standard
> heatsinks.

> Open the Fuloong, then:

> - unscrew the heatsinks from the board; - check if thermal compound
> between the chips and the heatsinks is of good quality and is enough;

You forgot one step: tear the heatsinks from the ICs.  When I got my
fuloong I tried to remove the heat-sinks.  However, they seemed to be
"glued" so bady to the chips, that I couldn't, even using moderate

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