Normally it is a toolchain bug, try to update your toolchains. I've seem
the same error when trying to build android froyo for loongson, change
the toolchain can solve it.

for Loongson2, default mips android toolchain is not suitable, because
it defaults to mips32, some library & code has mips32 instructions that
are not available in Loongson2. Some time ago I've put a patch package
to If I recalled
correctly, it should contains a modified toolchain(based on mips
provided 4.4.3, but change some libs&tools.)


于 2011-11-9 21:42, 李晖 写道:
> today i try build it in another machine, whose memory is 1.75G, swap
> is 2G, hardware free space is 10G, the build system report the same
> error!
> On 11月9日, 下午1时56分, good bai <> wrote:
>> Please retry after enable swap, maybe 512M  not enough.
>> 2011/11/9 David Kuehling <>:
>>>>>>>> "李晖" == 李晖  <> writes:
>>>> hi all, I am porting android to loongson based on the mips android,
>>>> and the android version is froyo_r8, which can be download from
>>>>, my workstation
>>>> is ubuntu 9.10 in the vmware, the memory is 512M, free space of
>>>> hardware is 20G,
>>>> after some configuration and modification, I typed in "make
>>>> showcommands", when the compile system compile the webkit module, the
>>>> following error printed:
>>> [..]
>>>> /home/andy/work/mips_android_r8/prebuilt/linux-x86/toolchain/
>>>> mips-4.4.3/bin/../lib/gcc/mips-linux-gnu/4.4.3/../../../../mips-linux-
>>>> gnu/bin/ld: final link failed: Bad value collect2: ld returned 1 exit
>>> Googeling for the "Bad value" error, it looks like there were multiple
>>> mips binutils bugs in the past that caused that error.  The most recent
>>> report seems to be this one (2007, includes a patch):
>>> previously (2004) there was this bug:
>>> which version of binutils are you using?  Maybe it'd help to file a
>>> bug-report upstream?
>>> cheers,
>>> David
>>> --
>>> GnuPG public key:
>>> Fingerprint: B17A DC95 D293 657B 4205  D016 7DEF 5323 C174 7D40
>> --
>> --------------------------------------------------

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