Please retry after enable swap, maybe 512M  not enough.

2011/11/9 David Kuehling <>:
>>>>>> "李晖" == 李晖  <> writes:
>> hi all, I am porting android to loongson based on the mips android,
>> and the android version is froyo_r8, which can be download from
>>, my workstation
>> is ubuntu 9.10 in the vmware, the memory is 512M, free space of
>> hardware is 20G,
>> after some configuration and modification, I typed in "make
>> showcommands", when the compile system compile the webkit module, the
>> following error printed:
> [..]
>> /home/andy/work/mips_android_r8/prebuilt/linux-x86/toolchain/
>> mips-4.4.3/bin/../lib/gcc/mips-linux-gnu/4.4.3/../../../../mips-linux-
>> gnu/bin/ld: final link failed: Bad value collect2: ld returned 1 exit
> Googeling for the "Bad value" error, it looks like there were multiple
> mips binutils bugs in the past that caused that error.  The most recent
> report seems to be this one (2007, includes a patch):
> previously (2004) there was this bug:
> which version of binutils are you using?  Maybe it'd help to file a
> bug-report upstream?
> cheers,
> David
> --
> GnuPG public key:
> Fingerprint: B17A DC95 D293 657B 4205  D016 7DEF 5323 C174 7D40


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