Thank you guys for comments. The main issue for not being able to use w.u.c
is we have lots of pages in our wiki right now, and links to them all over
in the net, so migration to u.c wiki at this point is not a wise idea.
Thanks to ubuntu-eu we don't have hosting problem just maintaining the wiki
software and theme.
So best way for us would be having a Moin wiki instance.

And about w.u.c, I don't like the way other teams are using it. I prefer
the wikipedia way for languages. Is it possible to have sub-domains for


On Wed, May 2, 2012 at 10:45 PM, Laura Czajkowski <>wrote:

>  On 02/05/12 18:02, Greg Grossmeier wrote:
> So, I take your point that w.u.c is not for support, and it is probably
> true that really isn't the nicest of places to
> do this kind of work. However, I'm now thinking about how best to take this
> opportunity to support the wider community instead of just a one-off for
> the Iranian Team (though, whatever can help them the fastest is probably
> best for now). Greg
>  lots of teams add support information under their team area on the wiki,
> nothing to stop them, it's a wiki. Just try and plan it out a head if
> possible.
> Laura
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