
First, sorry to ask, but what is a "LEP" ?

I don't understand why a LoCoDirectory display problem is making its way to give headaches to the loco teams. I am well aware of this display problem I have pointed it last year in august in my review of the loco directory, and I'll welcome every loco directory action to make this list readable.

Don't be wrong, I think giving standardized names for loco teams is a good idea, but just for starting teams, because they always face the question "how we have to name us?". But you are mixing two things in this proposition. First a naming convention I totally agree with for new teams. And second a strong will to make all teams change their actual display names. What if we don't comply? we are banned ? we don't pass our next re-approval?

Please, continue this naming convention, but please stop trying to make all teams look like identical squares. Each LoCo is different, each loco evolves and you have to help them in their first steps, but each loco have also to find its way alone to become a good and strong local community and each loco have to be able to make its choices to go forward.

So, for the naming convention you have all my support, but for the will to make all teams change their actual display name in launchpad you don't have.

A last thing, this naming convention is not a locoteam problem for me, it's a loco directory problem. Stop trying to make the loco directory a front-end of launchpad if you want to resolve this and let teams choose a "main country" and an optional "region/city" to create a good automatic team list in this tool. You already let us choose countries and language, it's just two more fields. And this way the Team list can also be translatable.



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