On Thu, May 19, 2011 at 1:24 AM, Marcus Moeller <marcus.moel...@gmx.ch> wrote:
> Hi all.
>>>>> If you need more information regarding the re-approval process, it's
>>>>> mostly outlined on the wiki[1]. If you need moreinfo or anything like
>>>>> that, please don't think twice about letting us know how we can help.
>>>>> [1]: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoCouncil/LoCoTeamReApproval
>>>> So, I'm a bit confused, and I hope you can clarify.
>>>> The wiki page linked above mentions that the LoCo council will contact
>>>> the LoCo team. But as I read your mail below, the teams are to create
>>>> an application and send to the LoCo council and should not expect
>>>> direct contact from the council before doing this?
>>> We filed bugs and subscribed the owner of the LP team.
>>>> Is the launchpad bug the LoCo councils way of contacting the team, or
>>>> should we sit tight and wait for a more formal mail from a member of
>>>> the Council?
>>> Yes. It is our way of getting in touch with you. If we were to mail
>>> you, it'd be just as form-letterish and inhuman as bug mail.
>>>> Also, what is the advantage of marking the bug private? As I see it,
>>>> that only helps to move the process of re-approval from the entire
>>>> team, to the team contact.
>>> So that we (as the Council) can vote on it cleanly. We make them
>>> public after we vote.
>> I meant to include this on the last mail. Please excuse that I
>> double-posted.
>> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-locoteams/+bug/673331
>> That's an example of a "finished" re-app ticket. Please note it's
>> public and how we used it. If you need to add more to your
>> application, please add it on the Wiki. This is *only* to track the
>> process, not hold your application.
> Do you also attach the IRC logs on which the decisions are based, to the
> bug?

Please look at the report, you'll find that we linked to logs :)

> Greets
> Marcus
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