Hi all.
If you need more information regarding the re-approval process, it's
mostly outlined on the wiki[1]. If you need moreinfo or anything like
that, please don't think twice about letting us know how we can help.
[1]: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoCouncil/LoCoTeamReApproval
So, I'm a bit confused, and I hope you can clarify.
The wiki page linked above mentions that the LoCo council will contact
the LoCo team. But as I read your mail below, the teams are to create
an application and send to the LoCo council and should not expect
direct contact from the council before doing this?
We filed bugs and subscribed the owner of the LP team.
Is the launchpad bug the LoCo councils way of contacting the team, or
should we sit tight and wait for a more formal mail from a member of
the Council?
Yes. It is our way of getting in touch with you. If we were to mail
you, it'd be just as form-letterish and inhuman as bug mail.
Also, what is the advantage of marking the bug private? As I see it,
that only helps to move the process of re-approval from the entire
team, to the team contact.
So that we (as the Council) can vote on it cleanly. We make them
public after we vote.
I meant to include this on the last mail. Please excuse that I double-posted.
That's an example of a "finished" re-app ticket. Please note it's
public and how we used it. If you need to add more to your
application, please add it on the Wiki. This is *only* to track the
process, not hold your application.
Do you also attach the IRC logs on which the decisions are based, to the
loco-contacts mailing list