On Wed, May 18, 2011 at 4:51 PM, Nathan Haines <nhai...@ubuntu.com> wrote:
> On Wed, 2011-05-18 at 16:43 -0400, Paul Tagliamonte wrote:
>> On Wed, May 18, 2011 at 4:00 PM, Søren Bredlund Caspersen
>> <soeren....@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > Is the launchpad bug the LoCo councils way of contacting the team, or
>> > should we sit tight and wait for a more formal mail from a member of
>> > the Council?
>> Yes. It is our way of getting in touch with you. If we were to mail
>> you, it'd be just as form-letterish and inhuman as bug mail.
> But it might be more appropriately formatted than "A bug has been filed
> against your team".

True. We did not update anything from the last mass file, and the
teams that we did last cycle understood what was going on. I guess we
need to clarify a bit more for teams that have done done re-apps yet.

Looking for wiki work? :)

>> > Also, what is the advantage of marking the bug private? As I see it,
>> > that only helps to move the process of re-approval from the entire
>> > team, to the team contact.
>> So that we (as the Council) can vote on it cleanly. We make them
>> public after we vote.
> Why isn't the discussion and voting done at a LoCo Council meeting?

Not everyone can make our meetings, since they are at all sorts of bad
times of the day. Bugs turned out to be way easier. We'll continue to
do re-apps at meetings for any teams that would like to do so.

We did this for another team here[1].

> --
> Nathan Haines <nhai...@ubuntu.com>
> Ubuntu - http://www.ubuntu.com/
> --
> loco-contacts mailing list
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[1]: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-locoteams/+bug/673328


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