2011/4/5 Leandro Gómez <leo.tel...@gmail.com>:
> On Tue, Apr 5, 2011 at 11:24 AM, Efrain Valles <effie-j...@ubuntu.com>
> wrote:
>> Hey leandro
>> I think you can speak for you region. I do not see any of the mayor linux
>> vendors  sponsoring FLISOL in my country. The Venezuela LoCo team has
>> actively participating since 2006.
> It's not about the vendors....? Sorry... got lost here.

You said you asked Canonical for support with FLISOL. particularly
moving back the release a bit. This is something that goes out of the
comunities hands. It's released as planned. I haven't seen a released
being moved because of a LinuxTag or any other mayor community event.
It is misfortunate but it is what it is. A release is not easily
handled and every day counts.

>> About Canonical getting a free ride. It is no wonder that ubuntu is one of
>> the most installed distros in many cities. As far as I can the video speaks
>> for the Ubuntu community, it does not take advantage at any moment for free
>> publicity. Not anything different that we do when we install ubuntu.
> Don't get the wrong idea... I'm not against Canonical. I say exactly the
> same thing when people try to show some RMS videos at FLISOL over here.

That's your way of doing it and I respect it, however we see no harm
in a friendly message from people that work to bring free software to
the mainstream. About RMS he is the father of the movement and he has
great words of wisdom, why not even a video from him?
> And maybe I should've put a disclaimer: I'm speaking with my FLISOL hat on
> -not as a member of the Ubuntu community-. I've been part of the
> international coordination of FLISOL for the last five years/editions, and
> it has not always been an easy task.

Never an easy task, however these video messages are a friendly HI. no
corporate agenda. so please do consider the good faith with which
these videos are made. these videos are to be used by the Venezuelan
LoCo teams in their stand and talks and even websites. I do not see
this affecting anyone and much less causing harm to the International
Free Software and Open Source movement.

 I don't know if you remember, Efrain, a
> few years ago when some people from a certain community tried to hijack
> FLISOL? (I'm not saying that this is the case with Canonical)

I am not aware of that but two videos cannot be seen as hijacking an
event, please do elaborate on this.

to be honest, the only comment bad comment I have received from these
videos is yours. if you have others I am happy to discuss these
privatelly via email or even a phonecall leave the public mailing list
cleared for better talks

Thanks your understanding and great work organizing FLISOL

>> About the videos, like I said. The Ubuntu Venezuela team celebrates FLISOL
>> with many different Distro teams like fedora-ve and others. I asked for
>> videos from many vendors through Maria Leandro , from fedora and we only got
>> 2 videos. SIf you can make more videos happen for next year we can reuse
>> these since they state no year.
>> The videos were shared at request of many in the ubuntu comunity members.
>> if you do not feel these should be used in your event. that is fine. but I
>> as an Ubuntu and Kubuntu enthusiast like to have fellow members of my
>> comunity comment on FLISOL. it surelly brings awareness and futures
>> colaboration.
>> Sorry if this causes disconfort
>> Efrain
>> El 05/04/2011 11:57, "Leandro Gómez" <leo.tel...@gmail.com> escribió:
>> On Mon, Mar 21, 2011 at 4:51 AM, Efrain Valles <effie-j...@ubuntu.com>
>> wrote:
>> >
>> > I think that was m...
>> I don't how I missed the last two mails... sorry Rubén and Efrain :(
>> It was actually this I didn't want to happen... the whole video thing and
>> the loco directory... Canonical has never been supportive of FLISOL, maybe
>> because they never understood the event and the community behind it. When
>> some people from the FLISOL community tried to start a conversation last
>> year about moving the Ubuntu release a couple of days in order to sync it
>> FLISOL we got, well... nothing. Not that I was expecting Canonical to
>> actually move the Ubuntu release schedule, but an official response (at
>> least from some developer), or some discussion about it would have been
>> nice.
>> So... a Canonical that has always ignored FLISOL have now two videos (that
>> may be shown in over 230 cities in Latin America and Spain) and the FLISOL
>> event scheduled in the loco directory? To me, it's like giving Canonical a
>> free ride.
>> And I'm sorry to disagree with you here, Rubén :) but from my POV, this is
>> unacceptable.
>> >
>> > Shall let you know
>> >
>> >
>> > 2011/3/21 Rubén Romero y Cordero <hua...@ubuntu.com>:
>> > > 2011/2/28...
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Efrain Valles

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