I think that was my original proposal. In my country we already have a
platform that gathers statistics from a local site. loCo Directory
would help gather ubuntu demographics in flisol perhaps.

I have requested Jono Bancon  a short video on encouraging and
thanking people for participating in FLISOL. I am currently editing it
and shall make available for those who want to use it in their talks
or stands :)

Shall let you know

2011/3/21 Rubén Romero y Cordero <hua...@ubuntu.com>:
> 2011/2/28 Leandro Gómez <leo.tel...@gmail.com>:
>> 2011/2/28 Fabián Rodríguez <magic...@ubuntu.com>
>>> On 02/28/2011 10:08 AM, Leandro Gómez wrote:
>>> 2011/2/28 Fabián Rodríguez <magic...@ubuntu.com>
>>>> On 02/26/2011 09:59 AM, Efrain Valles wrote:
>>>> > Hey all, been a while,
>>>> >
>>>> > I was wondering how many of us are participaing in FLISOL 2011, (for
>>>> > non spanish-speaking countries check
>>>> > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FLISOL ) massive install fest in
>>>> > latin-america and spain.
>>>> >
>>>> > Does it make sense to start a global loco directory event where loco
>>>> > teams can express their participation?
>>>> > Is the flisol.net wiki enough to transfer the information?
>>>> > Could loco directory serve as only referal information for internal
>>>> > comunity reference.
>>>> >
>>>> > Thoughts?
>>>> >
>>>> I think it's a great idea. Since it (technically) is an InstallFest,
>>>> would it make more sense to have a global "InstallFest" category instead
>>>> ?
>>> It's not a typical installfest. We also have conferences, workshops and a
>>> lot of other activities. It's more like a Latin American SFD with an
>>> installation festival.
>>> I know. Whoever would want to add a FLISOL event under "installfests"
>>> could then do so.
>> As I said in my previous mail, I would rather see people updating the
>> official FLISOL wiki than the LoCo directory.
> It is not often I disagree with you leandro, but this time I do.
> Using the LoCo Directory would help our community keep track of the
> events in which LatAm LoCos participate/organize. One of the reason
> for the directory's existence is merely the ability to be able to
> track events in which our LoCos participate.
> So, I believe there is middle way as adding an event to the directory,
>  for a certain LoCo, could be used as reference for the Community
> (Council), and the information described there would i.e. point to the
> URL of the FLISOL Wiki of that specific country or event. That would
> give FLISOL as a whole more attention outside of the LatAm sphere
> rather than obviating the whole thing and keeping it in their Wiki.
> Summarized: Add the events to the LoCo directory but do point to the
> local event FLISOL wiki page.
> Does that sound reasonable? I truly believe it adds value.
>>> FLISOL actually translates to LatinAmerican Free Software Installation
>>> Festival (InstallFest).
>> Exactly. Latin American. Not Ubuntu.
>> There is no value added on having (incomplete) information about the FLISOL
>> event on the LoCo Directory. We already have a great wiki over at
>> installfest.info, and IMO there's no need for more.
>> If you want to help, take a look at http://installfest.info/ComoAyudar
>>> F.
> Saludos,
> -
> Rubén Romero
> http://pad.lv/~huayra
> --
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Efrain Valles

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