On Thu, Jan 27, 2011 at 12:28 PM, Costales <costa...@ubuntu.com> wrote:
> Hi! I'm the coordinator of Ubuntu-ast.
> We're working for a presentation & install party the April 30th of
> Ubuntu 11.04, and I'd like to ask you about the place: FNAC
> http://fnac.com. It's a big store in Europe, they sell books, music,
> computers, cameras...
> FNAC likes our event, but, is this "ethical/good" for us (as LoCo)?
> Are there any rules about this?
> Why am I asking this?
> Because FNAC does not sell/support Ubuntu computers. On the other
> hand, the event could spread the Ubuntu message to a lot of people and
> it will be a big impact in press and media.
> Best regards and thanks in advance! :)

It looks like a great location googling from the states. Especially if
they have basic parts to sell: like hard drives, etc. Win, win is
likely for both parties. My LUG (linux users group) used to do
installfests; we always included a disclaimer pdf file for attendees
to sign before we touched their machines.

My LUG hasn't done one since '03! Good Luck and have a lot of fun.
Poll other GNU/Linux sources, in '03 I had a very good response from
SuSE. Ask, any and all, if they say no they say no. Cross post. Get a
disclaimer form made up.


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