2011/1/27 Fabián Rodríguez <magic...@ubuntu.com>

> On 01/27/2011 12:28 PM, Costales wrote:
> > Hi! I'm the coordinator of Ubuntu-ast.
> >
> > We're working for a presentation & install party the April 30th of
> > Ubuntu 11.04, and I'd like to ask you about the place: FNAC
> > http://fnac.com. It's a big store in Europe, they sell books, music,
> > computers, cameras...
> >
> > FNAC likes our event, but, is this "ethical/good" for us (as LoCo)?
> > Are there any rules about this?
> >
> > Why am I asking this?
> > Because FNAC does not sell/support Ubuntu computers. On the other
> > hand, the event could spread the Ubuntu message to a lot of people and
> > it will be a big impact in press and media.
> >
> > Best regards and thanks in advance! :)
> >
> I'd encourage you to organize events in such places :) That's where you
> will get the most questions and curiosity will always spark
> conversations that ultimately only help spread the word about Ubuntu but
> also Free Software in general.
> The mere fact they're open to host a release party shows their interest
> and who knows, a longer term collaboration may follow. I don't see
> anything unethical there, remember free software is there for anyone to
> use and learn about. Make sure you're ready to explain what Wubi is as
> you may end up using it that day on those Windows machines ;)
Hello, you can also try the old dual boot technique


Go for it!
> Cheers,
> Fabian
> --
> Fabián Rodríguez
> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MagicFab
> ~
> Local Community ("LoCo") team contact pour Ubuntu Québec
> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/QuebecTeam
> --
> loco-contacts mailing list
> loco-contacts@lists.ubuntu.com
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