2011/1/27 Fabián Rodríguez <magic...@ubuntu.com>

>  On 01/27/2011 02:15 PM, Marcelo Gutierrez wrote:
> 2011/1/27 Fabián Rodríguez <magic...@ubuntu.com>
>> On 01/27/2011 12:28 PM, Costales wrote:
>  [...]
>  The mere fact they're open to host a release party shows their interest
>> and who knows, a longer term collaboration may follow. I don't see
>> anything unethical there, remember free software is there for anyone to
>> use and learn about. Make sure you're ready to explain what Wubi is as
>> you may end up using it that day on those Windows machines ;)
> Hello, you can also try the old dual boot technique
> :)
>  I would strongly advise against that. Most new machines use all 4 primary
> partitions, and rolling back such an install if someone changes their mind
> is problematic.

Why would you roll back an installation? and why would someone change his
mind in the middle of an install party?

> Unless you know your way around GRUB and / or you have the original DVD, I
> would never install Ubuntu as a dual-boot on a new machine for a new user.

The person who is installing must have some experience installing Ubuntu, of
course you dont allways know everything but when installing we use our
Ubuntu Gurus :)

> In fact I've found it's easier to convert a Windows install to a virtual
> machine, then wipe a system and install Ubuntu bare-metal, then use
> VirtualBox (from Oracle) to get back 100% Windows functionality. That's more
> than the typical 5-minute pitch though :D
In an install party we never install Windows at all, that is why we use dual
boot if a person wishes to keep their Windows, we encourage people to use
Ubuntu when they want to so the change is not that radical and hope that
they forget about the W

> Cheers,
> Regards

> Fabian
> --
> Fabián Rodríguez
> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MagicFab
> ~
> Local Community ("LoCo") team contact pour Ubuntu Québec
> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/QuebecTeam
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Marcelo Gutierrez
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