Op 22-12-10 05:11, Matthew Copple schreef:
> Good evening!
> Have any LoCo teams developed formal mission statements and/or
> strategic plans, as discussed in Jono Bacon's _The Art of Community_?
> Our Loco is trying to revive itself, and we feel one good way may be
> to take a more formal approach to organization. I am curious if other
> teams have produced these items, and if so, may I look at them?
> You can contact me here on list or offline at the e-mail address below.
> Thanks in advance for your assistance!
Currently I'm leading a reorganisation in the Ubuntu Nederland LoCo
team. For that I indeed took inspiration from Jono's book. However, I
didn't follow its plan rigorously.

What we have been doing is the following: after I was appointed as LoCo
Contact for the community I started a few discussions at our forum,
which is our core communication method, about core issues. One of the
first was a discussion about a mission statement of the type suggested
by Jono in his book. The mission statement was crafted by community
members on our wiki. This caused the list of things we want to focus on
to grow too large, but the contributions of others helped to see things
from different angles.

When the discussions were finished I started to work on a document that
is a proposal for a new organisational structure for our LoCo. In the
document I used the input from the discussions and the ideas I had
discussed with community members in several places.

I finished the first concept of the document and published that on my
blog and on our forum. The community then started to discuss it, and two
weeks later I published an amended version that took feedback into
account. I'm now gathering feedback for the second concept, which I will
use to make another version.

There is a meeting (in 'real life') planned in January, and we will
discuss the proposal there. I hope that then we will have a great
proposal that is accepted by everyone, so we can start working on the

The second concept can be found at
but please be aware that everything is in Dutch.

Sense Hofstede

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