vogelsgesang wrote:

> What I could imagine is to drive this via attributes instead of a heuristic. 
> We could potentially mark implementation details of libc++ as such to control 
> what the debugging experience is like at a much finer grain if we used 
> attributes, but obviously this would also increase complexity in the code and 
> it would be yet another thing that we have to slap on almost every 
> declaration.

Mayve we could also find some other convention. E.g. hiding the 
`std::*::__detail` namespace. (You could still move all those `__` methods into 
a different namespace, right? They are not part of the stable ABI, are they?). 
Using a namespace would have the benefit that

1. you don't need to annotate each individual method, you can simply use a scope
2. we don't need to add a new attribute to clang, dwarf etc.

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