labath wrote:

> One thing that's not entirely clear to me from the discussion so far: 
> apparently the public API rules allow adding an overload of 
> `SBProcess::Continue()` with a direction parameter. Do they allow just adding 
> a direction parameter to the existing overload _with a default value_? 
> Because the latter seems exactly like the former in practice, to me.

The two are different when it comes to the ABI. Adding a new function just adds 
a new symbol. Adding a default argument to an existing function adds a new 
symbol (the same one as in the first case, as default arguments aren't part of 
the ABI -- that can be both good and bad, but I digress..)  *and* removes an 
existing one. That means the code built against the old lldb wouldn't be able 
to run against the new one (without recompiling). That's what we want to 
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