Michael137 updated this revision to Diff 483759.
Michael137 added a comment.
- Fix tests

  rG LLVM Github Monorepo




Index: lldb/unittests/Symbol/TestTypeSystemClang.cpp
--- lldb/unittests/Symbol/TestTypeSystemClang.cpp
+++ lldb/unittests/Symbol/TestTypeSystemClang.cpp
@@ -470,11 +470,10 @@
 TEST_F(TestTypeSystemClang, TemplateArguments) {
   TypeSystemClang::TemplateParameterInfos infos;
-  infos.names.push_back("T");
-  infos.args.push_back(TemplateArgument(m_ast->getASTContext().IntTy));
-  infos.names.push_back("I");
+  infos.InsertArg("T", TemplateArgument(m_ast->getASTContext().IntTy));
   llvm::APSInt arg(llvm::APInt(8, 47));
-  infos.args.push_back(TemplateArgument(m_ast->getASTContext(), arg,
+  infos.InsertArg("I", TemplateArgument(m_ast->getASTContext(), arg,
   // template<typename T, int I> struct foo;
@@ -598,126 +597,143 @@
   // The behaviour should follow the C++ rules for redeclaring templates
   // (e.g., parameter names can be changed/omitted.)
-  // This describes a class template *instantiation* from which we will infer
-  // the structure of the class template.
-  TypeSystemClang::TemplateParameterInfos infos;
   // Test an empty template parameter list: <>
-  ExpectNewTemplate("<>", infos);
+  ExpectNewTemplate("<>", {{}, {}});
+  clang::TemplateArgument intArg1(m_ast->getASTContext().IntTy);
+  clang::TemplateArgument intArg2(m_ast->getASTContext(),
+                                  llvm::APSInt(llvm::APInt(32, 47)),
+                                  m_ast->getASTContext().IntTy);
+  clang::TemplateArgument floatArg(m_ast->getASTContext().FloatTy);
+  clang::TemplateArgument charArg1(m_ast->getASTContext(),
+                                   llvm::APSInt(llvm::APInt(8, 47)),
+                                   m_ast->getASTContext().SignedCharTy);
+  clang::TemplateArgument charArg2(m_ast->getASTContext(),
+                                   llvm::APSInt(llvm::APInt(8, 123)),
+                                   m_ast->getASTContext().SignedCharTy);
   // Test that <typename T> with T = int creates a new template.
-  infos.names = {"T"};
-  infos.args = {TemplateArgument(m_ast->getASTContext().IntTy)};
-  ClassTemplateDecl *single_type_arg = ExpectNewTemplate("<typename T>", infos);
+  ClassTemplateDecl *single_type_arg =
+      ExpectNewTemplate("<typename T>", {{"T"}, {intArg1}});
   // Test that changing the parameter name doesn't create a new class template.
-  infos.names = {"A"};
-  ExpectReusedTemplate("<typename A> (A = int)", infos, single_type_arg);
+  ExpectReusedTemplate("<typename A> (A = int)", {{"A"}, {intArg1}},
+                       single_type_arg);
   // Test that changing the used type doesn't create a new class template.
-  infos.args = {TemplateArgument(m_ast->getASTContext().FloatTy)};
-  ExpectReusedTemplate("<typename A> (A = float)", infos, single_type_arg);
+  ExpectReusedTemplate("<typename A> (A = float)", {{"A"}, {floatArg}},
+                       single_type_arg);
   // Test that <typename A, signed char I> creates a new template with A = int
   // and I = 47;
-  infos.names.push_back("I");
-  infos.args.push_back(TemplateArgument(m_ast->getASTContext(),
-                                        llvm::APSInt(llvm::APInt(8, 47)),
-                                        m_ast->getASTContext().SignedCharTy));
   ClassTemplateDecl *type_and_char_value =
-      ExpectNewTemplate("<typename A, signed char I> (I = 47)", infos);
+      ExpectNewTemplate("<typename A, signed char I> (I = 47)",
+                        {{"A", "I"}, {floatArg, charArg1}});
   // Change the value of the I parameter to 123. The previously created
   // class template should still be reused.
-  infos.args.pop_back();
-  infos.args.push_back(TemplateArgument(m_ast->getASTContext(),
-                                        llvm::APSInt(llvm::APInt(8, 123)),
-                                        m_ast->getASTContext().SignedCharTy));
-  ExpectReusedTemplate("<typename A, signed char I> (I = 123)", infos,
-                       type_and_char_value);
+  ExpectReusedTemplate("<typename A, signed char I> (I = 123)",
+                       {{"A", "I"}, {floatArg, charArg2}}, type_and_char_value);
   // Change the type of the I parameter to int so we have <typename A, int I>.
   // The class template from above can't be reused.
-  infos.args.pop_back();
-  infos.args.push_back(TemplateArgument(m_ast->getASTContext(),
-                                        llvm::APSInt(llvm::APInt(32, 47)),
-                                        m_ast->getASTContext().IntTy));
-  ExpectNewTemplate("<typename A, int I> (I = 123)", infos);
+  ExpectNewTemplate("<typename A, int I> (I = 123)",
+                    {{"A", "I"}, {floatArg, intArg2}});
   // Test a second type parameter will also cause a new template to be created.
   // We now have <typename A, int I, typename B>.
-  infos.names.push_back("B");
-  infos.args.push_back(TemplateArgument(m_ast->getASTContext().IntTy));
   ClassTemplateDecl *type_and_char_value_and_type =
-      ExpectNewTemplate("<typename A, int I, typename B>", infos);
+      ExpectNewTemplate("<typename A, int I, typename B>",
+                        {{"A", "I", "B"}, {floatArg, intArg2, intArg1}});
   // Remove all the names from the parameters which shouldn't influence the
   // way the templates get merged.
-  infos.names = {"", "", ""};
-  ExpectReusedTemplate("<typename, int, typename>", infos,
+  ExpectReusedTemplate("<typename, int, typename>",
+                       {{"", "", ""}, {floatArg, intArg2, intArg1}},
 TEST_F(TestCreateClassTemplateDecl, FindExistingTemplatesWithParameterPack) {
   // The same as FindExistingTemplates but for templates with parameter packs.
   TypeSystemClang::TemplateParameterInfos infos;
-  infos.packed_args =
-      std::make_unique<TypeSystemClang::TemplateParameterInfos>();
-  infos.packed_args->names = {"", ""};
-  infos.packed_args->args = {TemplateArgument(m_ast->getASTContext().IntTy),
-                             TemplateArgument(m_ast->getASTContext().IntTy)};
+  clang::TemplateArgument intArg1(m_ast->getASTContext().IntTy);
+  clang::TemplateArgument intArg2(m_ast->getASTContext(),
+                                  llvm::APSInt(llvm::APInt(32, 1)),
+                                  m_ast->getASTContext().IntTy);
+  clang::TemplateArgument intArg3(m_ast->getASTContext(),
+                                  llvm::APSInt(llvm::APInt(32, 123)),
+                                  m_ast->getASTContext().IntTy);
+  clang::TemplateArgument longArg1(m_ast->getASTContext().LongTy);
+  clang::TemplateArgument longArg2(m_ast->getASTContext(),
+                                   llvm::APSInt(llvm::APInt(64, 1)),
+                                   m_ast->getASTContext().LongTy);
+  infos.SetParameterPack(
+      std::make_unique<TypeSystemClang::TemplateParameterInfos>(
+          llvm::SmallVector<const char *>{"", ""},
+          llvm::SmallVector<TemplateArgument>{intArg1, intArg1}));
   ClassTemplateDecl *type_pack =
       ExpectNewTemplate("<typename ...> (int, int)", infos);
   // Special case: An instantiation for a parameter pack with no values fits
   // to whatever class template we find. There isn't enough information to
   // do an actual comparison here.
-  infos.packed_args =
-      std::make_unique<TypeSystemClang::TemplateParameterInfos>();
+  infos.SetParameterPack(
+      std::make_unique<TypeSystemClang::TemplateParameterInfos>());
   ExpectReusedTemplate("<...> (no values in pack)", infos, type_pack);
   // Change the type content of pack type values.
-  infos.packed_args->names = {"", ""};
-  infos.packed_args->args = {TemplateArgument(m_ast->getASTContext().IntTy),
-                             TemplateArgument(m_ast->getASTContext().LongTy)};
+  infos.SetParameterPack(
+      std::make_unique<TypeSystemClang::TemplateParameterInfos>(
+          llvm::SmallVector<const char *>{"", ""},
+          llvm::SmallVector<TemplateArgument>{intArg1, longArg1}));
   ExpectReusedTemplate("<typename ...> (int, long)", infos, type_pack);
   // Change the number of pack values.
-  infos.packed_args->args = {TemplateArgument(m_ast->getASTContext().IntTy)};
+  infos.SetParameterPack(
+      std::make_unique<TypeSystemClang::TemplateParameterInfos>(
+          llvm::SmallVector<const char *>{""},
+          llvm::SmallVector<TemplateArgument>{intArg1}));
   ExpectReusedTemplate("<typename ...> (int)", infos, type_pack);
   // The names of the pack values shouldn't matter.
-  infos.packed_args->names = {"A", "B"};
+  infos.SetParameterPack(
+      std::make_unique<TypeSystemClang::TemplateParameterInfos>(
+          llvm::SmallVector<const char *>{"A"},
+          llvm::SmallVector<TemplateArgument>{intArg1}));
   ExpectReusedTemplate("<typename ...> (int)", infos, type_pack);
   // Changing the kind of template argument will create a new template.
-  infos.packed_args->args = {TemplateArgument(m_ast->getASTContext(),
-                                              llvm::APSInt(llvm::APInt(32, 1)),
-                                              m_ast->getASTContext().IntTy)};
+  infos.SetParameterPack(
+      std::make_unique<TypeSystemClang::TemplateParameterInfos>(
+          llvm::SmallVector<const char *>{"A"},
+          llvm::SmallVector<TemplateArgument>{intArg2}));
   ClassTemplateDecl *int_pack = ExpectNewTemplate("<int ...> (int = 1)", infos);
   // Changing the value of integral parameters will not create a new template.
-  infos.packed_args->args = {TemplateArgument(
-      m_ast->getASTContext(), llvm::APSInt(llvm::APInt(32, 123)),
-      m_ast->getASTContext().IntTy)};
+  infos.SetParameterPack(
+      std::make_unique<TypeSystemClang::TemplateParameterInfos>(
+          llvm::SmallVector<const char *>{"A"},
+          llvm::SmallVector<TemplateArgument>{intArg3}));
   ExpectReusedTemplate("<int ...> (int = 123)", infos, int_pack);
   // Changing the integral type will create a new template.
-  infos.packed_args->args = {TemplateArgument(m_ast->getASTContext(),
-                                              llvm::APSInt(llvm::APInt(64, 1)),
-                                              m_ast->getASTContext().LongTy)};
+  infos.SetParameterPack(
+      std::make_unique<TypeSystemClang::TemplateParameterInfos>(
+          llvm::SmallVector<const char *>{"A"},
+          llvm::SmallVector<TemplateArgument>{longArg2}));
   ExpectNewTemplate("<long ...> (long = 1)", infos);
   // Prependinding a non-pack parameter will create a new template.
-  infos.names = {"T"};
-  infos.args = {TemplateArgument(m_ast->getASTContext().IntTy)};
+  infos.InsertArg("T", intArg1);
   ExpectNewTemplate("<typename T, long...> (T = int, long = 1)", infos);
 TEST_F(TestTypeSystemClang, OnlyPackName) {
   TypeSystemClang::TemplateParameterInfos infos;
-  infos.pack_name = "A";
+  infos.SetPackName("A");
Index: lldb/source/Plugins/TypeSystem/Clang/TypeSystemClang.h
--- lldb/source/Plugins/TypeSystem/Clang/TypeSystemClang.h
+++ lldb/source/Plugins/TypeSystem/Clang/TypeSystemClang.h
@@ -330,17 +330,81 @@
   class TemplateParameterInfos {
+    TemplateParameterInfos() = default;
+    TemplateParameterInfos(llvm::ArrayRef<const char *> names_in,
+                           llvm::ArrayRef<clang::TemplateArgument> args_in)
+        : names(names_in), args(args_in) {
+      assert(names.size() == args_in.size());
+    }
+    TemplateParameterInfos(TemplateParameterInfos const &) = delete;
+    TemplateParameterInfos(TemplateParameterInfos &&) = delete;
+    TemplateParameterInfos &operator=(TemplateParameterInfos const &) = delete;
+    TemplateParameterInfos &operator=(TemplateParameterInfos &&) = delete;
+    ~TemplateParameterInfos() = default;
     bool IsValid() const {
       // Having a pack name but no packed args doesn't make sense, so mark
       // these template parameters as invalid.
       if (pack_name && !packed_args)
         return false;
       return args.size() == names.size() &&
-        (!packed_args || !packed_args->packed_args);
+             (!packed_args || !packed_args->packed_args);
+    }
+    bool IsEmpty() const { return args.empty(); }
+    size_t Size() const { return args.size(); }
+    llvm::ArrayRef<clang::TemplateArgument> GetArgs() const { return args; }
+    llvm::ArrayRef<const char *> GetNames() const { return names; }
+    clang::TemplateArgument const &Front() const {
+      assert(!args.empty());
+      return args.front();
+    void InsertArg(char const *name, clang::TemplateArgument arg) {
+      args.emplace_back(std::move(arg));
+      names.push_back(name);
+    }
+    // Parameter pack related
     bool hasParameterPack() const { return static_cast<bool>(packed_args); }
+    TemplateParameterInfos const &GetParameterPack() const {
+      assert(packed_args != nullptr);
+      return *packed_args;
+    }
+    TemplateParameterInfos &GetParameterPack() {
+      assert(packed_args != nullptr);
+      return *packed_args;
+    }
+    llvm::ArrayRef<clang::TemplateArgument> GetParameterPackArgs() const {
+      assert(packed_args != nullptr);
+      return packed_args->GetArgs();
+    }
+    bool HasPackName() const { return pack_name && pack_name[0]; }
+    llvm::StringRef GetPackName() const {
+      assert(HasPackName());
+      return pack_name;
+    }
+    void SetPackName(char const *name) { pack_name = name; }
+    void SetParameterPack(std::unique_ptr<TemplateParameterInfos> args) {
+      packed_args = std::move(args);
+    }
+  private:
+    /// Element 'names[i]' holds the template argument name
+    /// of 'args[i]'
     llvm::SmallVector<const char *, 2> names;
     llvm::SmallVector<clang::TemplateArgument, 2> args;
Index: lldb/source/Plugins/TypeSystem/Clang/TypeSystemClang.cpp
--- lldb/source/Plugins/TypeSystem/Clang/TypeSystemClang.cpp
+++ lldb/source/Plugins/TypeSystem/Clang/TypeSystemClang.cpp
@@ -1377,18 +1377,21 @@
   const bool parameter_pack = false;
   const bool is_typename = false;
   const unsigned depth = 0;
-  const size_t num_template_params = template_param_infos.args.size();
+  const size_t num_template_params = template_param_infos.Size();
   DeclContext *const decl_context =
       ast.getTranslationUnitDecl(); // Is this the right decl context?,
+  auto const &args = template_param_infos.GetArgs();
+  auto const &names = template_param_infos.GetNames();
   for (size_t i = 0; i < num_template_params; ++i) {
-    const char *name = template_param_infos.names[i];
+    const char *name = names[i];
     IdentifierInfo *identifier_info = nullptr;
     if (name && name[0])
       identifier_info = &ast.Idents.get(name);
-    if (IsValueParam(template_param_infos.args[i])) {
-      QualType template_param_type =
-          template_param_infos.args[i].getIntegralType();
+    TemplateArgument const &targ = args[i];
+    if (IsValueParam(targ)) {
+      QualType template_param_type = targ.getIntegralType();
           ast, decl_context, SourceLocation(), SourceLocation(), depth, i,
           identifier_info, template_param_type, parameter_pack,
@@ -1400,16 +1403,16 @@
-  if (template_param_infos.packed_args) {
+  if (template_param_infos.hasParameterPack()) {
     IdentifierInfo *identifier_info = nullptr;
-    if (template_param_infos.pack_name && template_param_infos.pack_name[0])
-      identifier_info = &ast.Idents.get(template_param_infos.pack_name);
+    if (template_param_infos.HasPackName())
+      identifier_info = &ast.Idents.get(template_param_infos.GetPackName());
     const bool parameter_pack_true = true;
-    if (!template_param_infos.packed_args->args.empty() &&
-        IsValueParam(template_param_infos.packed_args->args[0])) {
+    if (!template_param_infos.GetParameterPack().IsEmpty() &&
+        IsValueParam(template_param_infos.GetParameterPack().Front())) {
       QualType template_param_type =
-          template_param_infos.packed_args->args[0].getIntegralType();
+          template_param_infos.GetParameterPack().Front().getIntegralType();
           ast, decl_context, SourceLocation(), SourceLocation(), depth,
           num_template_params, identifier_info, template_param_type,
@@ -1465,8 +1468,8 @@
 void TypeSystemClang::CreateFunctionTemplateSpecializationInfo(
     FunctionDecl *func_decl, clang::FunctionTemplateDecl *func_tmpl_decl,
     const TemplateParameterInfos &infos) {
-  TemplateArgumentList *template_args_ptr =
-      TemplateArgumentList::CreateCopy(func_decl->getASTContext(), infos.args);
+  TemplateArgumentList *template_args_ptr = TemplateArgumentList::CreateCopy(
+      func_decl->getASTContext(), infos.GetArgs());
                                                template_args_ptr, nullptr);
@@ -1537,7 +1540,7 @@
   // The found template needs to have compatible non-pack template arguments.
   // E.g., ensure that <typename, typename> != <typename>.
   // The pack parameters are compared later.
-  if (non_pack_params != instantiation_values.args.size())
+  if (non_pack_params != instantiation_values.Size())
     return false;
   // Ensure that <typename...> != <typename>.
@@ -1548,14 +1551,15 @@
   // parameter value. The special case of having an empty parameter pack value
   // always fits to a pack parameter.
   // E.g., ensure that <int...> != <typename...>.
-  if (pack_parameter && !instantiation_values.packed_args->args.empty() &&
+  if (pack_parameter && !instantiation_values.GetParameterPack().IsEmpty() &&
-          *pack_parameter, instantiation_values.packed_args->args.front()))
+          *pack_parameter, instantiation_values.GetParameterPack().Front()))
     return false;
   // Compare all the non-pack parameters now.
   // E.g., ensure that <int> != <long>.
-  for (const auto pair : llvm::zip_first(instantiation_values.args, params)) {
+  for (const auto pair :
+       llvm::zip_first(instantiation_values.GetArgs(), params)) {
     const TemplateArgument &passed_arg = std::get<0>(pair);
     NamedDecl *found_param = std::get<1>(pair);
     if (!TemplateParameterAllowsValue(found_param, passed_arg))
@@ -1668,13 +1672,14 @@
     const TemplateParameterInfos &template_param_infos) {
   ASTContext &ast = getASTContext();
   llvm::SmallVector<clang::TemplateArgument, 2> args(
-      template_param_infos.args.size() +
-      (template_param_infos.packed_args ? 1 : 0));
-  std::copy(template_param_infos.args.begin(), template_param_infos.args.end(),
-            args.begin());
-  if (template_param_infos.packed_args) {
+      template_param_infos.Size() +
+      (template_param_infos.hasParameterPack() ? 1 : 0));
+  auto const &orig_args = template_param_infos.GetArgs();
+  std::copy(orig_args.begin(), orig_args.end(), args.begin());
+  if (template_param_infos.hasParameterPack()) {
     args[args.size() - 1] = TemplateArgument::CreatePackCopy(
-        ast, template_param_infos.packed_args->args);
+        ast, template_param_infos.GetParameterPackArgs());
   ClassTemplateSpecializationDecl *class_template_specialization_decl =
       ClassTemplateSpecializationDecl::CreateDeserialized(ast, 0);
Index: lldb/source/Plugins/SymbolFile/DWARF/DWARFASTParserClang.cpp
--- lldb/source/Plugins/SymbolFile/DWARF/DWARFASTParserClang.cpp
+++ lldb/source/Plugins/SymbolFile/DWARF/DWARFASTParserClang.cpp
@@ -1997,14 +1997,14 @@
   switch (tag) {
   case DW_TAG_GNU_template_parameter_pack: {
-    template_param_infos.packed_args =
-        std::make_unique<TypeSystemClang::TemplateParameterInfos>();
+    template_param_infos.SetParameterPack(
+        std::make_unique<TypeSystemClang::TemplateParameterInfos>());
     for (DWARFDIE child_die : die.children()) {
-      if (!ParseTemplateDIE(child_die, *template_param_infos.packed_args))
+      if (!ParseTemplateDIE(child_die, template_param_infos.GetParameterPack()))
         return false;
     if (const char *name = die.GetName()) {
-      template_param_infos.pack_name = name;
+      template_param_infos.SetPackName(name);
     return true;
@@ -2061,31 +2061,30 @@
       if (!is_template_template_argument) {
         bool is_signed = false;
-        if (name && name[0])
-          template_param_infos.names.push_back(name);
-        else
-          template_param_infos.names.push_back(nullptr);
         // Get the signed value for any integer or enumeration if available
+        if (name && !name[0])
+          name = nullptr;
         if (tag == DW_TAG_template_value_parameter && uval64_valid) {
           llvm::Optional<uint64_t> size = clang_type.GetBitSize(nullptr);
           if (!size)
             return false;
           llvm::APInt apint(*size, uval64, is_signed);
-          template_param_infos.args.push_back(
+          template_param_infos.InsertArg(
+              name,
               clang::TemplateArgument(ast, llvm::APSInt(apint, !is_signed),
         } else {
-          template_param_infos.args.push_back(
+          template_param_infos.InsertArg(
+              name,
       } else {
         auto *tplt_type = m_ast.CreateTemplateTemplateParmDecl(template_name);
-        template_param_infos.names.push_back(name);
-        template_param_infos.args.push_back(
-            clang::TemplateArgument(clang::TemplateName(tplt_type)));
+        template_param_infos.InsertArg(
+            name, clang::TemplateArgument(clang::TemplateName(tplt_type)));
@@ -2119,10 +2118,9 @@
-  return template_param_infos.args.size() ==
-             template_param_infos.names.size() &&
-         (!template_param_infos.args.empty() ||
-          template_param_infos.packed_args);
+  return !template_param_infos.IsEmpty() ||
+         template_param_infos.hasParameterPack();
 bool DWARFASTParserClang::CompleteRecordType(const DWARFDIE &die,
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