labath updated this revision to Diff 145717.
labath added a comment.

Stopped inserting demangled names into the fullname index and made the
FindFunctions index search in all three indices (fullname, basename, method).
The last two shouldn't really contain full names, but they seem to be required
for the correct operation (and they match what the apple path does).


Index: source/Plugins/SymbolFile/DWARF/SymbolFileDWARF.cpp
--- source/Plugins/SymbolFile/DWARF/SymbolFileDWARF.cpp
+++ source/Plugins/SymbolFile/DWARF/SymbolFileDWARF.cpp
@@ -2622,44 +2622,26 @@
     if (!m_indexed)
+    DIEArray die_offsets;
     if (name_type_mask & eFunctionNameTypeFull) {
-      FindFunctions(name, m_function_fullname_index, include_inlines, sc_list);
-      // FIXME Temporary workaround for global/anonymous namespace
-      // functions debugging FreeBSD and Linux binaries. If we didn't find any
-      // functions in the global namespace try looking in the basename index
-      // but ignore any returned functions that have a namespace but keep
-      // functions which have an anonymous namespace
-      // TODO: The arch in the object file isn't correct for MSVC
-      // binaries on windows, we should find a way to make it correct and
-      // handle those symbols as well.
-      if (sc_list.GetSize() == original_size) {
-        ArchSpec arch;
-        if (!parent_decl_ctx && GetObjectFile()->GetArchitecture(arch) &&
-            arch.GetTriple().isOSBinFormatELF()) {
-          SymbolContextList temp_sc_list;
-          FindFunctions(name, m_function_basename_index, include_inlines,
-                        temp_sc_list);
-          SymbolContext sc;
-          for (uint32_t i = 0; i < temp_sc_list.GetSize(); i++) {
-            if (temp_sc_list.GetContextAtIndex(i, sc)) {
-              ConstString mangled_name =
-                  sc.GetFunctionName(Mangled::ePreferMangled);
-              ConstString demangled_name =
-                  sc.GetFunctionName(Mangled::ePreferDemangled);
-              // Mangled names on Linux and FreeBSD are of the form:
-              // _ZN18function_namespace13function_nameEv.
-              if (strncmp(mangled_name.GetCString(), "_ZN", 3) ||
-                  !strncmp(demangled_name.GetCString(), "(anonymous namespace)",
-                           21)) {
-                sc_list.Append(sc);
-              }
-            }
+      uint32_t num_matches = m_function_basename_index.Find(name, die_offsets);
+      num_matches += m_function_method_index.Find(name, die_offsets);
+      num_matches += m_function_fullname_index.Find(name, die_offsets);
+      for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_matches; i++) {
+        const DIERef &die_ref = die_offsets[i];
+        DWARFDIE die = info->GetDIE(die_ref);
+        if (die) {
+          if (!DIEInDeclContext(parent_decl_ctx, die))
+            continue; // The containing decl contexts don't match
+          if (resolved_dies.find(die.GetDIE()) == resolved_dies.end()) {
+            if (ResolveFunction(die, include_inlines, sc_list))
+              resolved_dies.insert(die.GetDIE());
+      die_offsets.clear();
-    DIEArray die_offsets;
     if (name_type_mask & eFunctionNameTypeBase) {
       uint32_t num_base = m_function_basename_index.Find(name, die_offsets);
       for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_base; i++) {
Index: source/Plugins/SymbolFile/DWARF/DWARFUnit.cpp
--- source/Plugins/SymbolFile/DWARF/DWARFUnit.cpp
+++ source/Plugins/SymbolFile/DWARF/DWARFUnit.cpp
@@ -897,13 +897,8 @@
           if (name && name != mangled_cstr &&
               ((mangled_cstr[0] == '_') ||
                (::strcmp(name, mangled_cstr) != 0))) {
-            Mangled mangled(ConstString(mangled_cstr), true);
-            func_fullnames.Insert(mangled.GetMangledName(),
+            func_fullnames.Insert(ConstString(mangled_cstr),
                                   DIERef(cu_offset, die.GetOffset()));
-            ConstString demangled = mangled.GetDemangledName(cu_language);
-            if (demangled)
-              func_fullnames.Insert(demangled,
-                                    DIERef(cu_offset, die.GetOffset()));
@@ -922,13 +917,8 @@
           if (name && name != mangled_cstr &&
               ((mangled_cstr[0] == '_') ||
                (::strcmp(name, mangled_cstr) != 0))) {
-            Mangled mangled(ConstString(mangled_cstr), true);
-            func_fullnames.Insert(mangled.GetMangledName(),
+            func_fullnames.Insert(ConstString(mangled_cstr),
                                   DIERef(cu_offset, die.GetOffset()));
-            ConstString demangled = mangled.GetDemangledName(cu_language);
-            if (demangled)
-              func_fullnames.Insert(demangled,
-                                    DIERef(cu_offset, die.GetOffset()));
         } else
Index: lit/SymbolFile/DWARF/find-basic-function.cpp
--- lit/SymbolFile/DWARF/find-basic-function.cpp
+++ lit/SymbolFile/DWARF/find-basic-function.cpp
@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@
 // RUN:   FileCheck --check-prefix=METHOD %s
 // RUN: lldb-test symbols --name=foo --find=function --function-flags=full %t | \
 // RUN:   FileCheck --check-prefix=FULL %s
+// RUN: lldb-test symbols --name=_Z3fooi --find=function --function-flags=full %t | \
+// RUN:   FileCheck --check-prefix=FULL-MANGLED %s
 // RUN: lldb-test symbols --name=foo --context=context --find=function --function-flags=base %t | \
 // RUN:   FileCheck --check-prefix=CONTEXT %s
 // RUN: lldb-test symbols --name=not_there --find=function %t | \
@@ -24,9 +26,17 @@
 // METHOD-DAG: name = "sbar::foo(int)", mangled = "_ZN4sbar3fooEi"
 // METHOD-DAG: name = "ffbar()::sbar::foo()", mangled = "_ZZ5ffbarvEN4sbar3fooEv"
-// FULL: Found 2 functions:
+// FULL: Found 7 functions:
 // FULL-DAG: name = "foo()", mangled = "_Z3foov"
 // FULL-DAG: name = "foo(int)", mangled = "_Z3fooi"
+// FULL-DAG: name = "bar::foo()", mangled = "_ZN3bar3fooEv"
+// FULL-DAG: name = "bar::baz::foo()", mangled = "_ZN3bar3baz3fooEv"
+// FULL-DAG: name = "sbar::foo()", mangled = "_ZN4sbar3fooEv"
+// FULL-DAG: name = "sbar::foo(int)", mangled = "_ZN4sbar3fooEi"
+// FULL-DAG: name = "ffbar()::sbar::foo()", mangled = "_ZZ5ffbarvEN4sbar3fooEv"
+// FULL-MANGLED: Found 1 functions:
+// FULL-DAG: name = "foo(int)", mangled = "_Z3fooi"
 // CONTEXT: Found 1 functions:
 // CONTEXT-DAG: name = "bar::foo()", mangled = "_ZN3bar3fooEv"
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