labath added inline comments.

Comment at: source/Plugins/SymbolFile/DWARF/DWARFUnit.cpp:905-908
             ConstString demangled = mangled.GetDemangledName(cu_language);
             if (demangled)
                                     DIERef(cu_offset, die.GetOffset()));
clayborg wrote:
> Should we remove these 4 lines now? I thought we weren't going to add 
> demangled names to the index?
I was saving that for a separate patch.

Comment at: source/Plugins/SymbolFile/DWARF/DWARFUnit.cpp:928-929
             Mangled mangled(ConstString(mangled_cstr), true);
+            func_basenames.Insert(mangled.GetMangledName(),
+                                  DIERef(cu_offset, die.GetOffset()));
clayborg wrote:
> Why are we adding the mangled name to the basenames?
It was the simplest way to ensure we get the same results for apple and !apple 
cases. With apple tables we will return a result if someone asks for a function 
with a "base name" `_Z3foov`. I am not sure if this was intended or just an 
accident. Alternatively, I could keep these names in a separate index and then 
search in both when I get a query. Or, if this is really not intended to work, 
I can adding extra filtering to the "apple" path to return only "real" 
basenames. (My goal here is to eliminate platform differences to avoid things 
behaving differently across platforms.)

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