labath created this revision.
labath added reviewers: clayborg, JDevlieghere.

Before this patch the two paths were doing very different things

- the apple path searched the .apple_names section, which contained mangled 
names, as well as basenames of all functions. It returned any name it found.
- the non-accelerated path looked in the "full name" index we built ourselves, 
which contained mangled as well as demangled names of all functions (but no 
basenames). Then however, if it did not find a match it did an extra search in 
the basename index, with some special handling for anonymous namespaces.

This aligns the two paths by changing the non-accelerated path to return
the same results as in the apple-tables one. In pratice, this means we
will search in both the "basename" and "method" indexes (in the manual
indexes we keep methods separately). This means the function will return
some slightly inappropriate results (e.g. bar::baz::foo when one asks
for a "full name" foo), but this can be handled by additional filtering,
independently indexing method. To make this work, I've also started
inserting mangled names into the manual "basename" index.

I've also stopped matching demangled names when a regex search is
requested as that is not what apple tables do.

After this change the manual "fullname" is unused and can be removed.


Index: source/Plugins/SymbolFile/DWARF/SymbolFileDWARF.cpp
--- source/Plugins/SymbolFile/DWARF/SymbolFileDWARF.cpp
+++ source/Plugins/SymbolFile/DWARF/SymbolFileDWARF.cpp
@@ -2622,44 +2622,25 @@
     if (!m_indexed)
+    DIEArray die_offsets;
     if (name_type_mask & eFunctionNameTypeFull) {
-      FindFunctions(name, m_function_fullname_index, include_inlines, sc_list);
-      // FIXME Temporary workaround for global/anonymous namespace
-      // functions debugging FreeBSD and Linux binaries. If we didn't find any
-      // functions in the global namespace try looking in the basename index
-      // but ignore any returned functions that have a namespace but keep
-      // functions which have an anonymous namespace
-      // TODO: The arch in the object file isn't correct for MSVC
-      // binaries on windows, we should find a way to make it correct and
-      // handle those symbols as well.
-      if (sc_list.GetSize() == original_size) {
-        ArchSpec arch;
-        if (!parent_decl_ctx && GetObjectFile()->GetArchitecture(arch) &&
-            arch.GetTriple().isOSBinFormatELF()) {
-          SymbolContextList temp_sc_list;
-          FindFunctions(name, m_function_basename_index, include_inlines,
-                        temp_sc_list);
-          SymbolContext sc;
-          for (uint32_t i = 0; i < temp_sc_list.GetSize(); i++) {
-            if (temp_sc_list.GetContextAtIndex(i, sc)) {
-              ConstString mangled_name =
-                  sc.GetFunctionName(Mangled::ePreferMangled);
-              ConstString demangled_name =
-                  sc.GetFunctionName(Mangled::ePreferDemangled);
-              // Mangled names on Linux and FreeBSD are of the form:
-              // _ZN18function_namespace13function_nameEv.
-              if (strncmp(mangled_name.GetCString(), "_ZN", 3) ||
-                  !strncmp(demangled_name.GetCString(), "(anonymous namespace)",
-                           21)) {
-                sc_list.Append(sc);
-              }
-            }
+      uint32_t num_matches = m_function_basename_index.Find(name, die_offsets);
+      num_matches += m_function_method_index.Find(name, die_offsets);
+      for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_matches; i++) {
+        const DIERef &die_ref = die_offsets[i];
+        DWARFDIE die = info->GetDIE(die_ref);
+        if (die) {
+          if (!DIEInDeclContext(parent_decl_ctx, die))
+            continue; // The containing decl contexts don't match
+          if (resolved_dies.find(die.GetDIE()) == resolved_dies.end()) {
+            if (ResolveFunction(die, include_inlines, sc_list))
+              resolved_dies.insert(die.GetDIE());
+      die_offsets.clear();
-    DIEArray die_offsets;
     if (name_type_mask & eFunctionNameTypeBase) {
       uint32_t num_base = m_function_basename_index.Find(name, die_offsets);
       for (uint32_t i = 0; i < num_base; i++) {
@@ -2751,8 +2732,6 @@
     FindFunctions(regex, m_function_basename_index, include_inlines, sc_list);
-    FindFunctions(regex, m_function_fullname_index, include_inlines, sc_list);
   // Return the number of variable that were appended to the list
Index: source/Plugins/SymbolFile/DWARF/DWARFUnit.cpp
--- source/Plugins/SymbolFile/DWARF/DWARFUnit.cpp
+++ source/Plugins/SymbolFile/DWARF/DWARFUnit.cpp
@@ -898,6 +898,8 @@
               ((mangled_cstr[0] == '_') ||
                (::strcmp(name, mangled_cstr) != 0))) {
             Mangled mangled(ConstString(mangled_cstr), true);
+            func_basenames.Insert(mangled.GetMangledName(),
+                                  DIERef(cu_offset, die.GetOffset()));
                                   DIERef(cu_offset, die.GetOffset()));
             ConstString demangled = mangled.GetDemangledName(cu_language);
@@ -923,6 +925,8 @@
               ((mangled_cstr[0] == '_') ||
                (::strcmp(name, mangled_cstr) != 0))) {
             Mangled mangled(ConstString(mangled_cstr), true);
+            func_basenames.Insert(mangled.GetMangledName(),
+                                  DIERef(cu_offset, die.GetOffset()));
                                   DIERef(cu_offset, die.GetOffset()));
             ConstString demangled = mangled.GetDemangledName(cu_language);
Index: lit/SymbolFile/DWARF/find-basic-function.cpp
--- lit/SymbolFile/DWARF/find-basic-function.cpp
+++ lit/SymbolFile/DWARF/find-basic-function.cpp
@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@
 // RUN:   FileCheck --check-prefix=METHOD %s
 // RUN: lldb-test symbols --name=foo --find=function --function-flags=full %t | \
 // RUN:   FileCheck --check-prefix=FULL %s
+// RUN: lldb-test symbols --name=_Z3fooi --find=function --function-flags=full %t | \
+// RUN:   FileCheck --check-prefix=FULL-MANGLED %s
 // RUN: lldb-test symbols --name=foo --context=context --find=function --function-flags=base %t | \
 // RUN:   FileCheck --check-prefix=CONTEXT %s
 // RUN: lldb-test symbols --name=not_there --find=function %t | \
@@ -24,9 +26,17 @@
 // METHOD-DAG: name = "sbar::foo(int)", mangled = "_ZN4sbar3fooEi"
 // METHOD-DAG: name = "ffbar()::sbar::foo()", mangled = "_ZZ5ffbarvEN4sbar3fooEv"
-// FULL: Found 2 functions:
+// FULL: Found 7 functions:
 // FULL-DAG: name = "foo()", mangled = "_Z3foov"
 // FULL-DAG: name = "foo(int)", mangled = "_Z3fooi"
+// FULL-DAG: name = "bar::foo()", mangled = "_ZN3bar3fooEv"
+// FULL-DAG: name = "bar::baz::foo()", mangled = "_ZN3bar3baz3fooEv"
+// FULL-DAG: name = "sbar::foo()", mangled = "_ZN4sbar3fooEv"
+// FULL-DAG: name = "sbar::foo(int)", mangled = "_ZN4sbar3fooEi"
+// FULL-DAG: name = "ffbar()::sbar::foo()", mangled = "_ZZ5ffbarvEN4sbar3fooEv"
+// FULL-MANGLED: Found 1 functions:
+// FULL-DAG: name = "foo(int)", mangled = "_Z3fooi"
 // CONTEXT: Found 1 functions:
 // CONTEXT-DAG: name = "bar::foo()", mangled = "_ZN3bar3fooEv"
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