zturner added a comment.

In https://reviews.llvm.org/D39215#905259, @ted wrote:

> We build lldb, clang and tools for Hexagon only, and call them hexagon-lldb, 
> hexagon-clang, etc. The test infrastructure is smart enough to pick up 
> hexagon-lldb-mi if we tell it to run with hexagon-lldb using --executable; 
> will it be smart enough to run an in-tree hexagon-clang?
> @labath, we run on Windows using hexagon-clang and hexagon-clang++; don't 
> forget the embedded cases when choosing compilers and running tests.
> I'm all for removing redundant variables.

I haven't checked the logic for deducing the cxx from the c, and vice versa.  
But if it's as simple as just adding or removing ++ from the end of the 
executable name, it should work.


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