labath wrote: A couple of quick notes: - are you sure that ObjectFileELF is the best thing to start with here? Based on the name, I would expect that ObjectFilePECOFF would be a better baseline. Or maybe the object file format is different enough from all of the existing ones that this kind of comparison is not useful? - without also seeing the cpp file, it hard to judge how similar it is to the other plugin - instead of redeclaring all the header types, would it be possible to use some structures from llvm? (I know that ObjectFileELF does not do that, but that's because it is very old. ObjectFilePECOFF -- a much newer class -- does just that) - a lot of the object file code should be testable on its own. If you include the necessary plugin glue in this PR, then you should be able to write tests similar to those in `lldb/test/Shell/ObjectFile`. For example, if you could start with a test similar to `test/Shell/ObjectFile/ELF/basic-info.yaml` and then include enough of code in the PR to make that pass. _______________________________________________ lldb-commits mailing list