On Wed, Feb 23, 2011 at 09:50:58AM -0700, Grant Likely wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 23, 2011 at 11:38:17AM +0100, Richard Cochran wrote:
> > +Clock Properties:
> > +
> > +  - tclk-period  Timer reference clock period in nanoseconds.
> > +  - tmr-prsc     Prescaler, divides the output clock.
> > +  - tmr-add      Frequency compensation value.
> > +  - cksel        0= external clock, 1= eTSEC system clock, 3= RTC clock 
> > input.
> > +                 Currently the driver only supports choice "1".
> I'd be hesitant about defining something that isn't actually
> implemented yet.  You may find the binding to be insufficient at a
> later date.

Okay, I'll remove it.
We never got the external VCO working anyhow.

> > +  - tmr-fiper1   Fixed interval period pulse generator.
> > +  - tmr-fiper2   Fixed interval period pulse generator.
> > +  - max-adj      Maximum frequency adjustment in parts per billion.
> These are all custom properties (not part of any shared binding) so
> they should probably be prefixed with 'fsl,'.

Okay, fine.

> > +  The calculation for tmr_fiper2 is the same as for tmr_fiper1. The
> > +  driver expects that tmr_fiper1 will be correctly set to produce a 1
> > +  Pulse Per Second (PPS) signal, since this will be offered to the PPS
> > +  subsystem to synchronize the Linux clock.
> Good documentation, thanks.  Question though, how many of these values
> will the end user (or board builder) be likely to want to change.  It
> is risky encoding the calculation results into the device tree when
> they aren't the actually parameters that will be manipulated, or at
> least very user-unfriendly.

The whole thing is pretty opaque, and my explanation is (IMHO) way
better that Freescale's documentation of how the fipers work.

The board designer / system designer will want to set these carefully,
but never change them. Basically, for a given input clock, there is
only one optimal setting.

I think the device tree is the right place for that kind of setting.

The fiper1 signal should always be a 1 PPS.  We could make fiper2 run
time programmable via PHC ioctls, but I think this can wait.

> > +   etsects->irq = irq_of_parse_and_map(node, 0);
> Use platform_get_irq().


> > +   etsects->regs = of_iomap(node, 0);
> Use platform_get_resource(), and don't forget to request the
> resources.

Okay, but didn't you tell me before to do this way?


> > +static struct of_platform_driver gianfar_ptp_driver = {
> Use a platform_driver instead.  of_platform_driver is deprecated and
> being removed.

Ja, should have noticed that myself, sorry.

> > +++ b/drivers/net/gianfar_ptp_reg.h
> This data is only used by gianfar_ptp.c, so there is no need for a
> separate include file.  Move the contents of gianfar_ptp_reg.h into
> gianfar_ptp.c

You are right, of course, since private #defines and declarations
should simply stay in their .c files. Some people think that all
#defines and declarations must go into a header file.

I am not one of those people, but in this case, I generated the file
from a little tool I wrote and so kept it separate.

Still, it is no trouble to combine the header into the driver .c file.

Thanks for your review,

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