On 02/14/2014 07:21 PM, Mike Christie wrote:
> On 2/14/14 5:37 AM, Bart Van Assche wrote:
[ .. ]
>> I think this will only be sufficient if there are more CPU threads
>> available than the number of LUNs for which an STPG has to be issued.
> Ah shoot, you reminded me of some other issue. With the above
> command we only can do 1 unit of work at a time. With the
> alloc_workqueue example I sent in the other mail, I think it would
> create a new problem.
> alloc_workqueue with max_active=0 looks like it has the wq code
> dynamically create worker threads as needed, so with that we could
> end up with a lot of threads and can failover lots of devices (512
> with the current max) in parallel. The threads will even get reaped
> when they are not needed. However, trying to create lots of threads
> at failover time might have issues, and in general creating 32 or 64
> threads or more is probably not something we want to do.

Another followup: Mike is, as usual, right.
I need to use 'alloc_workqueue' to be able to have more than one
worker at a time.
And also Bart is right in that it makes sense to have STPG run

However, in doing so I'll be bunching together STPG activations from
several request_queues, and will be deferring I/O on those
queues during STPG update.
So to avoid stalled I/O I'll need to kick each of the queues again
after STPG is finished, right?

Hmm. Let's see how this will look like.


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