On 02/06/2014 07:24 PM, Mike Christie wrote:
> On 01/31/2014 03:29 AM, Hannes Reinecke wrote:
>> We should be issuing STPG synchronously as we need to
>> evaluate the return code on failure.
>> Signed-off-by: Hannes Reinecke <h...@suse.de>
> I think we need to also make dm-mpath.c use a non-ordered workqueue for
> kmpath_handlerd. With this patch and the current ordered workqueue in
> dm-mpath I think we will only be able to do one STPG at a time. I think
> if we use a normal old non-ordered workqueue then we would be limited to
> have max_active STPGs executing.

I goofed and commented in the order I saw the patches :) I take this
comment back for this patch, because I see in 16/16 you added a new
workqueue to scsi_dh_alua to do rtpgs and stpgs.

For 16/16 though, do we want to make kmpath_aluad a non single threaded
workqueue? It looks like max_active for single threaded is only one work
at a time too.

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