On 02/14/2014 12:37 PM, Bart Van Assche wrote:
> On 02/13/14 10:31, Hannes Reinecke wrote:
>> On 02/12/2014 06:31 PM, Mike Christie wrote:
>>> On 2/12/14 10:26 AM, Mike Christie wrote:
>>>> On 2/12/14 10:11 AM, Mike Christie wrote:
>>>>> On 2/12/14 9:29 AM, Hannes Reinecke wrote:
>>>>>> On 02/07/2014 02:54 AM, Mike Christie wrote:
>>>>>>> On 02/06/2014 07:24 PM, Mike Christie wrote:
>>>>>>>> On 01/31/2014 03:29 AM, Hannes Reinecke wrote:
>>>>>>>>> We should be issuing STPG synchronously as we need to
>>>>>>>>> evaluate the return code on failure.
>>>>>>>>> Signed-off-by: Hannes Reinecke <h...@suse.de>
>>>>>>>> I think we need to also make dm-mpath.c use a non-ordered
>>>>>>>> workqueue
>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>> kmpath_handlerd. With this patch and the current ordered
>>>>>>>> workqueue in
>>>>>>>> dm-mpath I think we will only be able to do one STPG at a time. I
>>>>>>>> think
>>>>>>>> if we use a normal old non-ordered workqueue then we would be
>>>>>>>> limited to
>>>>>>>> have max_active STPGs executing.
>>>>>>> I goofed and commented in the order I saw the patches :) I take
>>>>>>> this
>>>>>>> comment back for this patch, because I see in 16/16 you added a
>>>>>>> new
>>>>>>> workqueue to scsi_dh_alua to do rtpgs and stpgs.
>>>>>>> For 16/16 though, do we want to make kmpath_aluad a non single
>>>>>>> threaded
>>>>>>> workqueue? It looks like max_active for single threaded is only
>>>>>>> one
>>>>>>> work
>>>>>>> at a time too.
>>>>>> Well, that was by intention.
>>>>>> The workqueue will be triggered very infrequently (basically for
>>>>>> every path switch).
>>>>>> For implicit ALUA we just need to issue a RTPG to get the new path
>>>>>> status; there we might be suffering from single threaded behaviour.
>>>>>> But we need to issue it only once and it should be processed
>>>>>> reasonably fast.
>>>>>> For explicit ALUA we'll have to send an STPG, which has potentially
>>>>>> system-wide implications. So sending several to (supposedly)
>>>>>> different targets might actually be contraproductive, as the first
>>>>>> might have already set the status for the second call.
>>>>>> Here we most definitely _want_ serialisation to avoid
>>>>>> superfluous STPGs.
>>>>> What target is this?
>>>>> For our target it adds a regression. It only affects devices on
>>>>> the same
>>>>> port group. We then have multiple groups. Before the patch, we could
>>>>> failover/failback multiple devices in parallel. To do 64 devices
>>>>> it took
>>>>> about 3 seconds. With your patch it takes around 3 minutes.
>>>> Also, with your pg change patch, I think we can serialize based on
>>>> group
>>>> and it will do what you want and also allow us to do STPGs to
>>>> different
>>>> groups in parallel.
>>> I guess that would work for me, but I think if you had the same
>>> target port in multiple port groups then you could hit the issue you
>>> described, right?
>> Yes, we might. But it's worth a shot anyway.
>> So to alleviate all this, this patch:
>> diff --git a/drivers/scsi/device_handler/scsi_dh_alua.c
>> b/drivers/scsi/device_ha
>> ndler/scsi_dh_alua.c
>> index 569af9d..46cc1ef 100644
>> --- a/drivers/scsi/device_handler/scsi_dh_alua.c
>> +++ b/drivers/scsi/device_handler/scsi_dh_alua.c
>> @@ -1353,7 +1353,7 @@ static int __init alua_init(void)
>>  {
>>         int r;
>> -       kmpath_aluad = create_singlethread_workqueue("kmpath_aluad");
>> +       kmpath_aluad = create_workqueue("kmpath_aluad");
>>         if (!kmpath_aluad) {
>>                 printk(KERN_ERR "kmpath_aluad creation failed.\n");
>>                 return -EINVAL;
>> should be sufficient, right?
> I think this will only be sufficient if there are more CPU threads
> available than the number of LUNs for which an STPG has to be issued.
> My preference is also to keep the asynchronous invocation of the STPG
> commands to avoid introducing a regression if the number of LUNs that
> has to be failed over is large. Has it been considered to add the "if
> (err == SCSI_DH_RETRY) err = alua_rtpg(sdev, h)" code in the
> stpg_endio() handler, together with a counter mechanism that prevents
> infinite retries ? And if a storage array reports that the target portal
> group state is transitioning, shouldn't the retry be delayed instead of
> submitting it immediately ?
Errm. I thought I was doing that ...

        if (pg->flags & ALUA_PG_RUN_RTPG) {
                spin_unlock_irqrestore(&pg->rtpg_lock, flags);
                err = alua_rtpg(sdev, pg);
                if (err == SCSI_DH_RETRY) {
                        queue_delayed_work(kmpath_aluad, &pg->rtpg_work,
                                           pg->interval * HZ);
                spin_lock_irqsave(&pg->rtpg_lock, flags);
                pg->flags &= ~ALUA_PG_RUN_RTPG;

As for making stpg asynchronous again; I haven't thought about it as
of now, but it seems like a good idea.

I'll checking what would need to be done for that.


Dr. Hannes Reinecke                   zSeries & Storage
h...@suse.de                          +49 911 74053 688
SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Maxfeldstr. 5, 90409 Nürnberg
GF: J. Hawn, J. Guild, F. Imendörffer, HRB 16746 (AG Nürnberg)
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