
Huang Shijie wrote:
> 于 2014年03月28日 17:31, Lothar Waßmann 写道:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Huang Shijie wrote:
> >> 于 2014年03月28日 17:00, Sascha Hauer 写道:
> >>> - disables swapping of BB marks in the FCB the ROM won't swap bytes.
> >> We can not disable the swapping in the FCB in the imx28.
> >> The DISBBM bit in the FCB does _NOT_ exit in the imx28's FCB.
> >>
> > The Linux kernel does not have any business with the FCB, so it is
> > completely irrelevant for Linux whether byte swapping can be disabled
> > in the FCB or not.
> >
> But the gpmi is relevant to the ROM.
> the gpmi driver should keep consistency with the ROM.
> I do not object you add the swapping optional the gpmi driver(since it's 
> ok for imx50/imx6q/imx6sx),
> i just object that you enable this feature for imx28.
We are talking about a Linux Kernel Driver here, not about a flashtool
for i.MX28.
It is a valid usecase for Linux not being able to write the bootloader,
so there is no reason to disallow this feature in the driver code.
Since it is a DT option it can be trivially switched on and off without
having to change anything in the kernel.

Lothar Waßmann

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