于 2014年03月28日 17:31, Lothar Waßmann 写道:

Huang Shijie wrote:
于 2014年03月28日 17:00, Sascha Hauer 写道:
- disables swapping of BB marks in the FCB the ROM won't swap bytes.
We can not disable the swapping in the FCB in the imx28.
The DISBBM bit in the FCB does _NOT_ exit in the imx28's FCB.

The Linux kernel does not have any business with the FCB, so it is
completely irrelevant for Linux whether byte swapping can be disabled
in the FCB or not.

But the gpmi is relevant to the ROM.
the gpmi driver should keep consistency with the ROM.

I do not object you add the swapping optional the gpmi driver(since it's ok for imx50/imx6q/imx6sx),
i just object that you enable this feature for imx28.

Huang Shijie

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