On Mon, Jun 25, 2001 at 12:30:02AM +0200, J . A . Magallon wrote:
> Take a programmer comming from other system to linux. If he wants multi-
> threading and protable code, he will choose pthreads. And you say to him:
> do it with 'clone', it is better. Answer: non protable. Again: do it
> with fork(), it is fast in linux. Answer: better for linux, but it is a
> real pain in other systems.
> And worst, you are allowing people to program based on a tool that will give
> VERY diferent performance when ported to other systems. They use fork().
> They port their app to solaris. The performance sucks. It is not Solaris
> fault. It is linux fast fork() that makes people not looking for the
> correct standard tool for what they want todo.

This sounds to my like "Linux is making other OSes look bad.  Cut it
In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
                        -- George Orwell
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