> > A lot of OS/2 software is written with this feature in mind. I know of one
> > programmer who absolutely hates Linux because it's just too difficult
> > porting software to it, and the lack of decent thread support is part of
> > the problem.
> Yup. OS/2 is the largest nest of trained, experienced multi-threaded
> programmers. (And it takes a LOT of training experience to do threads
> right.) That's why I've been trying to recruit ex-OS/2 guys over to Linux
> for years now. (Most followed Java to Linux after Netscape opened up
> Mozilla, but there used to be several notable holdouts...)
I did some threaded programming on OS/2 and it was real pain. The main
design flaw in OS/2 API is that thread can be blocked only on one
condition. There is no way thread can wait for more events. For example I
have a thread that processes GUI messages. It is blocked in WinGetMsg -
waiting for messages from pmshell. Now another part of application needs
to wake up the thread to do some things - but there is no way to wake it
up because the thread can't wait for anything else than messages from
pmshell. I actually had to create dummy invisible window. I send messages
to that GUI thread via event queue of that window - really dirty but it
can't be done otherwise.
When OS/2 designers realised this API braindamage, they somewhere randomly
added funtions to unblock threads waiting for variuos events - for example
VioModeUndo or VioSavRedrawUndo - quite insane.
Programming with select, poll and kqueue on Unix is really much better
than with threads on OS/2.
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