Rob Landley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Wednesday 20 June 2001 17:20, Albert D. Cahalan wrote:
> > Rob Landley writes:
> > > My only real gripe with Linux's threads right now [...] is
> > > that ps and top and such aren't thread aware and don't group them
> > > right.
> > >
> > > I'm told they added some kind of "threadgroup" field to processes
> > > that allows top and ps and such to get the display right. I haven't
> > > noticed any upgrades, and haven't had time to go hunting myself.
> >
> > There was a "threadgroup" added just before the 2.4 release.
> > Linus said he'd remove it if he didn't get comments on how
> > useful it was, examples of usage, etc. So I figured I'd look at
> > the code that weekend, but the patch was removed before then!
> Can we give him feedback now, asking him to put it back?
> > Submit patches to me, under the LGPL please. The FSF isn't likely
> > to care. What, did you think this was the GNU system or something?
> I've stopped even TRYING to patch bash. try a for loop calling "echo $$&",
> eery single process bash forks off has the PARENT'S value for $$, which is
> REALLY annoying if you spend an afternoon writing code not knowing that and
> then wonder why the various process's temp file sare stomping each other...
Actually - you have an error there. $$ gets evaluated during the parse, not
during execution of the subprocess. To get what you are describing it is
necessary to "sh -c 'echo $$'" to force the delay of evaluation. The only
"bug" interpretation is in the evaluation of the quotes. IF echo '$$' &
delayed the interpretation of "$$", then when the subprocess shell
"echo $$" reparsed the line the $$ would be substituted as you wanted.
This delay can only be done via the "sh -c ..." method. (its the same with
bourne/korn shell).
> Oh, and anybody who can explain this is welcome to try:
> lines=`ls -l | awk '{print "\""$0"\""}'`
> for i in $lines
> do
> echo line:$i
> done
That depends on what you are trying to do. Are you trying to echo the
entire "ls -l"? or are you trying to convert an "ls -l" into a single
column based on a field extracted from "ls -l".
If the latter, then the script should be:
ls -l | awk '{print $<fieldno>}' | while read i
echo line: $i
If the fields don't matter, but you want each line processed in the
loop do:
ls -l | while read i
echo line:$i
Bash doesn't need patching for this.
Again, the evaluation of the quotes is biting you. When the $lines
parameter is evaluated, the quotes are present.
bash is doing a double evaluation for "for" loop. It expects
a list of single tokens, rather than a list of quoted strings. This is
the same as in the bourne/korn shell.
If you want such elaborate handling of strings, I suggest using perl.
Jesse I Pollard, II
Any opinions expressed are solely my own.
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