Jonathan Morton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > I'm going to assume for now that CML2 saves two files - one storing a > relatively small number of symbols (which is strictly limited to those > explicitly set by the user), and one containing the full set for > consumption by the Makefiles. No, that's not the case. Would it be too much to ask that you learn how the existing language works brfore proposing improvements? -- <a href="">Eric S. Raymond</a> The prestige of government has undoubtedly been lowered considerably by the Prohibition law. For nothing is more destructive of respect for the government and the law of the land than passing laws which cannot be enforced. It is an open secret that the dangerous increase of crime in this country is closely connected with this. -- Albert Einstein, "My First Impression of the U.S.A.", 1921 - To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-kernel" in the body of a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] More majordomo info at Please read the FAQ at
- Re: CML2 design philosophy heads-up Keith Owens
- Re: CML2 design philosophy heads-up David Woodhouse
- Re: CML2 design philosophy heads-up Eric S. Raymond
- Re: CML2 design philosophy heads-up David Woodhouse
- Background to the argument about CML2 design philosophy Eric S. Raymond
- Re: Background to the argument about CML2 design philosop... Jonathan Morton
- Re: Background to the argument about CML2 design philosop... Eric S. Raymond
- Re: Background to the argument about CML2 design philosop... Jes Sorensen
- Re: Background to the argument about CML2 design philosop... Helge Hafting
- Re: Background to the argument about CML2 design philosop... Jonathan Morton
- Re: Background to the argument about CML2 design philosop... Eric S. Raymond
- Re: Background to the argument about CML2 design philosop... David Woodhouse
- Re: Background to the argument about CML2 design philosop... Alan Cox
- Re: Background to the argument about CML2 design philosop... David Woodhouse
- Re: Background to the argument about CML2 design philosop... Eric S. Raymond
- Re: Background to the argument about CML2 design philosop... Arjan van de Ven
- Re: Background to the argument about CML2 design philosop... M.
- Re: Background to the argument about CML2 design philosop... Nicolas Pitre
- Re: Background to the argument about CML2 design philosop... David Woodhouse
- Re: Background to the argument about CML2 design philosop... Eric S. Raymond
- Re: Background to the argument about CML2 design philosop... David Woodhouse