On Sat, Mar 24, 2001 at 01:55:15AM +0100, J . A . Magallon wrote:
> On 03.24 Andrew Morton wrote:
> > "J . A . Magallon" wrote:
> > >
> > > The same is with that ugly out: at the end
> > > of the function. Just change all that 'goto out' for a return.
> >
> > Oh no, no, no. Please, no.
> >
> > Multiple return statements are a maintenance nightmare.
> >
> Well, I do not want this to restart a religion war.
> The real thing is: gcc 3.0 (ISO C 99) does not like that practice
> (let useless things there for someday using them ?).
The GCC warning has nothing to do with the (good) practice of having a
single exit point. It is the difference between this:
and this:
I think that the latter looks better, and the C standard says that
it's also the only one that's correct.
You are the one arguing about coding religion, by saying that
_neither_ of them is any good.
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