[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Steve Underwood) wrote on 24.01.01 in
> Unfortunately the C standards people don't seem to realise there are
> languages other than English. C99 had perfect timing to introduce UTF8
> Unicode as acceptable in C source. Alas they missed the boat. I have
> been embedding Chinese in C source for years (mostly Big-5 - UTF8 is
> more likely to be troublesome with existing compilers), and have yet to
> hit a significant problem. It isn't standards compliant, though.
Have you *READ* the C99 standard? According to my copy of ISO/IEC
9899:1999, chinese characters in identifiers are quite legal.
And the source is not defined to be UTF8 because C has never defined the
source to be any specific character set; if your character set does not
include the right characters, use \uXXXX or \Uxxxxxxxx.
MfG Kai
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