[EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Kodis) wrote on 23.01.01 in
> On Tue, Jan 23, 2001 at 10:41:49AM -0500, Jonathan Earle wrote:
> > One thing I wonder though... why do people prefer 'some_function_name()'
> > over 'SomeFunctionName()'?
> i_would_assume_that_it_is_because_the_underscore_serves_the_same_word-
> seperation_role_that_a_space_does_in_normal_prose. RunningWordsAll
> Together(OrShouldISay"ToGetHer"ForMaximumStudlyness)JustDoesNotParseAs
> Readily, and that, rather that ease of typing is what counts.
Nice example: the underscore part was in fact *much* harder to read for
me. The second part read nearly exactly like normally spaced text.
Maybe there is something to the thesis that it depends on what people are
accustomed to: English uses far less capital letters than German, and I
certainly prefer the German capitalization style.
MfG Kai
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