On 3/27/21 5:01 AM, Mihai Moldovan wrote:
> If the user selects the very first entry in a page and performs a
> search-up operation (e.g., via [/][a][Up Arrow]), nconf will never
> terminate searching the page.
> The reason is that in this case, the starting point will be set to -1,
> which is then translated into (n - 1) (i.e., the last entry of the
> page) and finally the search begins. This continues to work fine until
> the index reaches 0, at which point it will be decremented to -1, but
> not checked against the starting point right away. Instead, it's
> wrapped around to the bottom again, after which the starting point
> check occurs... and naturally fails.
> We can easily avoid it by checking against the starting point directly
> if the current index is -1 (which should be safe, since it's the only
> magic value that can occur) and terminate the matching function.
> Amazingly, nobody seems to have been hit by this for 11 years - or at
> the very least nobody bothered to debug and fix this.
> Signed-off-by: Mihai Moldovan <io...@ionic.de>

Nice catch.

> ---
>  scripts/kconfig/nconf.c | 9 +++++++++
>  1 file changed, 9 insertions(+)
> diff --git a/scripts/kconfig/nconf.c b/scripts/kconfig/nconf.c
> index e0f965529166..92a5403d8afa 100644
> --- a/scripts/kconfig/nconf.c
> +++ b/scripts/kconfig/nconf.c
> @@ -515,6 +515,15 @@ static int get_mext_match(const char *match_str, match_f 
> flag)
>                       --index;
>               else
>                       ++index;
> +             /*
> +              * It's fine for index to become negative - think of an
> +              * initial value for match_start of 0 with a match direction
> +              * of up, eventually making it -1.
> +              *
> +              * Handle this as a special case.
> +              */
> +             if ((-1 == index) && (index == match_start))

checkpatch doesn't complain about this (and I wonder how it's missed), but
kernel style is (mostly) "constant goes on right hand side of comparison",
                if ((index == -1) &&

Otherwise LGTM.

> +                     return -1;
>               index = (index + items_num) % items_num;
>               if (index == match_start)
>                       return -1;


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