On Thu, Jan 28, 2021 at 5:38 PM Alban Bedel <alban.be...@aerq.com> wrote:
> From a quick glance at various datasheet the PCAL6524 seems to be the
> only chip in this familly that support setting the drive mode of


> single pins. Other chips either don't support it at all, or can only
> set the drive mode of whole banks, which doesn't map to the GPIO API.
> Add a new flag, PCAL6524, to mark chips that have the extra registers
> needed for this feature. Then mark the needed register banks as
> readable and writable, here we don't set OUT_CONF as writable,
> although it is, as we only need to read it. Finally add a function
> that configure the OUT_INDCONF register when the GPIO API set the


> drive mode of the pins.

Can we actually convert the driver to be a pin control for the starter?
Or split it for some chips to be a pin control, while the rest keeps
just being GPIO.
I would like to avoid more complex changes in it until it's properly
converted to the pin control.

With Best Regards,
Andy Shevchenko

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