> On Fri, 17 Nov 2000, Guest section DW wrote:
> > I see that an entire discussion has taken place. Let me just remark this,
> > quoting the Austin draft:
> >
> > If the path argument refers to a path whose final component is either
> > dot or dot-dot, rmdir( ) shall fail.
> >
> > EINVAL The path argument contains a last component that is dot.
> [snip]
Then, I don't understand why the EINVAL error condition does not also include
dot-dot as last component.
> > So, it seems that -EINVAL would be a better return value in case LAST_DOT.
> No problems with that... Linus, could you apply the following (cut-and-paste
> alert)?
I think that there is another case where EINVAL (or EBUSY) should be more
relevant than ENOTEMPTY: consider a process invoking 'rmdir("..")' where "."
is empty and its current root directory (just because ".." and "." refer
to the same directory which is actually empty).
Anyway, thanks for your explainations on this special UNIX FS behaviour.
+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Eric PAIRE
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