On Fri, 17 Nov 2000, Guest section DW wrote:

> I see that an entire discussion has taken place. Let me just remark this,
> quoting the Austin draft:
> If the path argument refers to a path whose final component is either
> dot or dot-dot, rmdir( ) shall fail.
> EINVAL        The path argument contains a last component that is dot.

> So, it seems that -EINVAL would be a better return value in case LAST_DOT.

No problems with that... Linus, could you apply the following (cut-and-paste
--- fs/namei.c     Fri Nov 17 18:43:20 2000
+++ fs/namei.c.new Fri Nov 17 18:48:00 2000
@@ -1381,8 +1381,11 @@
                case LAST_DOTDOT:
                        error = -ENOTEMPTY;
                        goto exit1;
-               case LAST_ROOT: case LAST_DOT:
+               case LAST_ROOT:
                        error = -EBUSY;
+                       goto exit1;
+               case LAST_DOT:
+                       error = -EINVAL;
                        goto exit1;

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