On Fri, 17 Nov 2000, Jeff Garzik wrote:
> > 
> > 2. Even when I specify cs_irq=27, it resorts to polling:
> > 
> >         Intel PCIC probe:
> >           Intel i82365sl DF ISA-to-PCMCIA at port 0x8400 ofs 0x00, 2 sockets
> >             host opts [0]: none
> >             host opts [1]: none
> >             ISA irqs (default) = none! polling interval = 1000 ms
> >           Intel i82365sl DF ISA-to-PCMCIA at port 0x8400 ofs 0x80, 2 sockets
> >             host opts [2]: none
> >             host opts [3]: none
> >             ISA irqs (default) = none! polling interval = 1000 ms
> For these two, it sounds to me like you need to be doing a PCI probe,
> and getting the irq and I/O port info from pci_dev.  And calling
> pci_enable_device, which may or may not be a showstopper here...

The i82365 stuff actually used to do much of this, but it was so
intimately intertwined with the cardbus handling that I pruned it out for
my sanity.

It should be possible to do the same thing with a nice simple concentrated
PCI probe, instead of having stuff quite as spread out as it used to be.

As to why it doesn't show any ISA interrupts, who knows... Some of the PCI
PCMCIA bridges need to be initialized.


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