
On Tue, Mar 7, 2017 at 12:04 PM, Luck, Tony <tony.l...@intel.com> wrote:
>> That's all nice and good, but I still have no coherent explanation why
>> measuring across allocation domains makes sense.
> Is this in reaction to this one?
>>> 5)      Put multiple threads into a single measurement group
> If we fix it to say "threads from the same CAT group" does it fix things?
Inside a CAT partition, there may be multiple tasks split into
different cgroups.
We need the ability to monitor groups of tasks individually within that CAT
partition. I think this is what this bullet is about.

> We'd like to have measurement groups use a single RMID ... if we
> allowed tasks from different CAT groups in the same measurement
> group we wouldn't be able to split the numbers back to report the
> right overall total for each of the CAT groups.
> -Tony

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