2014-03-08 23:11 GMT+02:00 Micha Feigin <mi...@post.tau.ac.il>:

> It depends on what you are doing, I've been running fine with 2mb/s. Gave
> up on Bezeq when they tried to tell me that I need a faster line when I
> called them to resolve my ssh terminal (text only) connection is responding
> poorly.
> Hot were OK in terms of performance (was also using the 2mb/s line
> though), but since I was paying only for internet and phone, no TV, fake
> technicians called me every few months, as well as some visits by thugs,
> telling me that they can see on the router that I'm also using TV illegally
> and if I don't upgrade the line they will sue  (I kept telling them that
>  it's only slightly more feasible than building a Perpetuum Mobile to
> detect a passive TV receiver behind the hot band pass and the two phone +
> internet modems, but it was lost on them).
> Can't tell you much about higher bandwidth though, sorry.
My sarcasm was lost in the text, I have been working on "the Internet" for
years and though I do enjoy the joys of broadband for fast downloads of
updates, movies etc. it blew my mind that anyone would say that anything
less then 50mb was not usable for said work.
I run SSH sessions in which I tunnel all or parts of my traffic through
SSH, run remote X through SSH and other "heavy" applications and I think
all of them would be fine with 5m or more (I have also used 1m in some
locations but that was annoying for updates and when they were finally
forced to 5m that was very good as far as I was concerned).
The only use I can think of for 50m is major down(/up?)loading, netflix in
HD etc. so I am still very curious what work usages require 50m download...
(for hosting at home 50m up is definitely fun but afaik no-one in Israel
offers that for a feasible price).

Eliyahu - אליהו

> Note thought that it would also depend on your internet provider as well
> as their settings, not just hot, as the provider is you bottleneck to the
> actual internet, and they may do traffic shaping or just not buy enough
> bandwidth abroad. I got horrible speeds to the states though the provider
> (forget who it was, sorry), while getting very nice performance when using
> the TAU proxy.
> On 08-Mar-14 13:50, E.S. Rosenberg wrote:
>> 2014-03-08 12:20 GMT+02:00 Michael Ben-Nes <m...@epoch.co.il <mailto:
>> m...@epoch.co.il>>:
>>     Oops, seems I missed the replies a bit.
>>     Any way. I used to have 50mb but after the storm something got
>>     wrong and now Bezeq can supply only 15mb.
>>     I checked with peers and it seems the HOT infrastracure in Rosh
>>     Pina is excellent. 15mb is by far not enough to any one who work
>>     on the net.
>> You are making me really curious what I have been doing wrong for all
>> these years that speeds above 5mb have been fine for me...
>>     --------------------------------------------------
>>     Michael Ben-Nes - Linux Web Environment Expert.
>>     http://www.epoch.co.il <http://www.epoch.co.il/> - LinkedIn
>>     <http://www.linkedin.com/in/michaelbennes>
>>     Cellular: +972-54-4848113 <tel:%2B972-54-4848113>
>>     --------------------------------------------------
>>     On Sun, Jan 5, 2014 at 6:11 PM, geoffrey mendelson
>>     <geoffreymendel...@gmail.com <mailto:geoffreymendel...@gmail.com>>
>>     wrote:
>>         On 1/5/2014 6:01 PM, Michael Ben-Nes wrote:
>>             Hi,
>>             Seems like I need to replace my unstable ADSL line :(
>>             Can any one tip me how good is the Hot cables 100mb
>>             service? stability\speed
>>         If it's 15 megabit or below, you've probably been upgraded to
>>         NGN. NGN uses vDSL equipment which can run (poorly) in aDSL-2
>>         emulation mode. Instead of informing people of the problem,
>>         they just wait for them to call and sell them a faster line in
>>         vDSL mode with a vDSL modem.
>>         Geoff.
>>         --         Geoffrey S. Mendelson 4X1GM/N3OWJ
>>         Jerusalem Israel.
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