Oops, seems I missed the replies a bit.

Any way. I used to have 50mb but after the storm something got wrong and
now Bezeq can supply only 15mb.
I checked with peers and it seems the HOT infrastracure in Rosh Pina is
excellent. 15mb is by far not enough to any one who work on the net.

Michael Ben-Nes - Linux Web Environment Expert.
http://www.epoch.co.il - LinkedIn <http://www.linkedin.com/in/michaelbennes>
Cellular: +972-54-4848113

On Sun, Jan 5, 2014 at 6:11 PM, geoffrey mendelson <
geoffreymendel...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 1/5/2014 6:01 PM, Michael Ben-Nes wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Seems like I need to replace my unstable ADSL line :(
>> Can any one tip me how good is the Hot cables 100mb service?
>> stability\speed
> If it's 15 megabit or below, you've probably been upgraded to NGN. NGN
> uses vDSL equipment which can run (poorly) in aDSL-2 emulation mode.
> Instead of informing people of the problem, they just wait for them to call
> and sell them a faster line in vDSL mode with a vDSL modem.
> Geoff.
> --
> Geoffrey S. Mendelson 4X1GM/N3OWJ
> Jerusalem Israel.
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