On Thu, Jul 24, 2008 at 11:22 PM, Imri Zvik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  I can only assume you are addressing me.
Due to the latest trend of libel suits, I cannot confirm nor deny.

>  You are just flaming now. You have no idea what we are doing to stop or
> fight spam, and this public list is not the place to list those things.
> For the particular ISP I was talking about, I know that the same
authenticated user has sent me messages after several complaints, so I know
for a fact that the same user keeps spamming. I'm only answering you here
because I don't want to create the state of "שתיקה כהודאה" (silence as
admittance, lit trans)

> 2.       If you have any repeating issues with spammers using our mail
> system, I would be GLAD to know about it. Please provide me with full
> headers.
I appreciate your suggestion. I will obviously not contact you because that
would mean that you are the ISP I was talking about. I will however make an
attempt to create a compendium of the headers from the last 30 days of spam
that I have and send it to the abuse address of the offending ISP. It will
take me some time as analyzing 1000s of spam messages means that I need to
write code to do it, but I will get to it eventually.

-- Arik

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