On Thu, Jul 24, 2008 at 2:31 PM, Noam Rathaus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi, > > I haven't dropped water into a boiling pan for nothing if you go here: > http://www.uceprotect.net/en/rblcheck.php > > You will see that the IP (a hosted server): > > > Is all ok, beside the last one, which is due to the fact that Bezeq Int is > blacklisted, at first I thought it was just them, but I checked three other > IP addresses we have, and the other ISPs are blacklisted as well > > As: > 3845 of 1107456 (0.347 %) addresses they have are marked as spammers - not > spam senders, but routinely sending spam, and ISP not blocking them after > an > abuse email is issued. > Hi again Noam, I do agree with you that it's bad that abuse departments don't really take care of users (why would they? they earn their money, and closing abusive users hurts the cashflow...) - I know - because I, myself, contacted them many times, complete with logs and proof for misconducts of their users (including cracking attempts to servers, and I am NOT talking about portscanning), and nothing really happened... I didn't know we got to the place where our complete AS is blocked (you didn't specify this detail in the first message), so I assumed it's the usual cause :) Anyways, we, the IL users, probably deserve it, the same way we deserve our ISPs cutting down their bandwidth and causing our non-HTTP traffic to crawl by QoSing what's left... and why do we deserve it? Because we didn't cause the first ISP that did it to bankrupt by eliminating all their users (i.e. boycotting). It's the "everything is gonna be OK" approach. The second thing I would like to say is... people who do serious antispam business will not block e-mail by those RBLs - they mostly create loss for the businesses who use them... this is really not the way to solve the problem. The problem is... that no way is [1]. -- Shimi [1] http://oldwww.temp.ahbl.org/funny/response1.php