Oleg Goldshmidt wrote:

> "Peter L. Peres" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > At the hw level: The addressable memory on an Intel proecssor is divided
> > into pages (currently 4k each ?). This is the minimum size of any
> > allocated memory, file, program etc.
> Are you saying that "malloc(sizeof(int))" allocates 4k on an Intel
> machine?

ANy answer to this question will be false. You cannot know how much
memory will be allocated since the Algorithm ued by malloc is an
on-line addaptive one. The answer is that it can be between 0 bytes and
100M or so. And it can be non-dependant on the size you asked.

> --
> Oleg Goldshmidt          [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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